Advice to the Class of 2024: “Say Thank You”
In this video, faculty and staff offer some parting words of wisdom to this year’s graduates
Advice to the Class of 2024: “Say Thank You”
Advice to the Class of 2024: “Say Thank You”
Class of 2024, you began your Boston University journey during a time of profound uncertainty, when the world was in the grip of the COVID-19 pandemic. As you arrived on campus, classes were a mix of remote and in-person learning, strict masking and social distancing were mandatory, dining halls were largely take-away only, and clubs were meeting on Zoom. But you stuck it out, persevered, and have emerged as one of the strongest, most motivated and self-assured classes in recent memory.
We salute you!
We invited some faculty and staff from across the Charles River and Medical Campuses to offer some heartfelt words of advice to you, so before you don your caps and gowns, take a look. A sampling: among the most important words to say are thank you; help is not a dirty word; as children you’re told not to talk to strangers—talk to strangers; we change the world one person at a time.
And on behalf of all of us at BU Today, congratulations!
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