• Joel Brown

    Senior Staff Writer

    Portrait of Joel Brown. An older white man with greying brown hair, beard, and mustache and wearing glasses, white collared shirt, and navy blue blazer, smiles and poses in front of a dark grey background.

    Joel Brown is a senior staff writer at BU Today and Creatives editor of Bostonia magazine. He wrote more than 700 stories for the Boston Globe and has also worked as an editor and reporter for the Boston Herald and the Greenfield Recorder. Profile

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There are 10 comments on Donald Trump Convicted on All 34 Counts in Hush Money Trial

  1. When Trump was elected as the president, there was controversy everywhere.

    In the controversy at that time, we could learn separation and disconnection between the elite and the public, as well as the distrust of the established value order, from the observation perspective of political culture. But, still, there were people certain that the flexibility and error-correcting mechanism possessed by the American constitutional system would not allow a bad president to corrode the vitality of the system.

    Eight years later, there is the result. We simply cannot calculate how much this has cost and how much trust in the rule of low has been sapped. Each of us has only a short life. Hopefully, people will move towards deeper consensus and empathy rather than creating division and conflict.

    Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

    1. “We’ve never had one that has basically become so notorious and yet still is seeking reelection and has a very viable chance at winning. And so I think that says something to where we are as a nation and who we are becoming as a people.

      “In terms of the ways we’ve shifted some of our perspectives on what does and doesn’t matter, in terms of leadership,” she adds.

      That comment is spot on. It is looking more and more likely that a convicted felon will be our next President- and America is okay with that.

      And yet the American people are getting shook up over immigrants coming across our borders to find work and have a better life.

      1. There have been evil doers like the former president of El Salvador, Salvador Sanchez Ceren, a man who killed hundreds of people during the civil war in that country. This was during the Obama administration. How come we never heard an uproar during those years about a guerrilla leader being evil and having his Hands stained with the blood of his own people??? Hush money? give me a break.
        Now that Nayib Bukele, a man loved by 90+ percent of Salvadorans and many more in most countries around the world, a man with moral principles who has fought and put the criminals in jail, now the international “Human Rights” groups and NGOs and media are accusing him of being a dictator. It seems that those organizations are more concerned about the “rights” of criminals than those of law abiding, honest citizens. Let’s be real and put the priorities where they belong…. there is still time in America to go back to normality.

  2. “And some Trump supporters have shown a propensity for extremist actions”
    “Karma was going to come calling.” “So we have never had a presidential crime spree like this.”
    “We’ve never had one that has basically become so notorious and yet still is seeking reelection”

    OK, so this legal action was wrong, but he had it coming? That’s our new standard of fairness?

    So we excuse the inexcusable. Pause and consider in this Constitutional Republic, halfway through its third century of being the premier democracy on earth, instruments of one political party crafted a unique and never before used legal strategy attempting to destroy the electoral chances of their opponent – who by current polling, is the leading candidate for US President.

    Put aside for a moment whether you like or dislike (or even despise) Donald Trump. Have we really become an “ends justify the means” nation? Does one side have such a dim view of the electorate, their fellow citizens, that they’d agree to suppress a free choice of candidates as long as their side wins?

    A nation that doesn’t support the freedom of the electorate to choose their own leaders as they see fit without interference has truly strayed from its ideals.

  3. From Robert Bolt’s A Man for All Seasons:

    William Roper: So, now you give the Devil the benefit of law?
    Sir Thomas More: Yes! What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get to the Devil?
    William Roper: Yes, I’d cut down every law in England to do that!”
    Sir Thomas More: Oh? And when the last law was down and the Devil turned ‘round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat?”

    Our cultural-political elites have cut a great road through the law to get to the individual they have portrayed as devil. More efficient in the short run than offering coherent argument for the ideas they espouse. Societally suicidal in the long term.

  4. This trial and verdict are excellent for Democracy in America! They show how alienated the power elites are and what they will do to affect the electoral process by preventing leading opposition candidates from campaigning. This trial makes late Soviet communist dictatorships and their judicial systems look good in comparison! I can’t wait until election day.

  5. It’s interesting. You have one of the premier U.S. defense attorneys right down the street from here, i.e., Alan Dershowitz–who provides a full historical account of pertinent law to this case, and who says this case is an egregious abuse against Consititutional law and law precedent. Of course, NPR/WBUR remains staunchly averse to allowing a compelling and DISSENTING voice so I knew Dershowitz’s informed opinion would never see the light of day.

    Also interesting. Hillary Clinton does the same thing, mislabeling a payment to cover up her Steele Dossier scam, and Donald Trump(when President) never filed felony charges against her?. If I remember, she got an $8,000 fine for her crime.

    My Libertarian party recently boo’d Donald Trump off the stage, but not for the contrived and rigged hush money trial. He did nothing to reduce the staggering federal debt and he did nothing to pardon Julian Assange–who committed the crime of journalism, exposing government crimes.

  6. I must say that I find it bizarre that a noted law professor is talking wistfully about legal karma as a sort of moral exoneration of what he knows to be a bad legal process.

    What, pray tell, will we do with the karma swings the other way and the Republicans start trying to jail every political opponent they can by any means necessary?

    “Here are my principles, and if you don’t like them … well, I have others.” -Groucho Marx

    1. This ^

      “When I am weaker than you, I ask you for freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am stronger than you, I take away your freedom because that is according to my principles.”

      ― Frank Herbert, Children of Dune

  7. To the editors: My evergreen complaint is that ours is a large and distinguished university with faculty, staff, alumni, and students who have considerable industry experience and a full range of informed perspectives. Why must those who you present as BU Experts so often broadcast like-minded, emotionally-driven, and generally myopic opinions that don’t remotely reflect the sensibilities of most BU affiliates and voters writ large?

    The two quoted experts in this article appear to be caught up in the thrill kill nature of this conviction. This is a missed opportunity, and a disservice to readers, especially students.

    I have great respect for anyone who takes a broader view and tries to be fair-minded about the great issues dividing our country, even if I disagree. Sadly, this is absent in this article and many others where you’ve sought reactions from this same small group of faculty members. It’s past time to include more experienced and ideologically diverse voices in your coverage.

    To Prof. Shugerman: Smart legal minds from across the spectrum seem to agree that there are ample grounds for reversible error appeals, on multiple fronts. You deserve credit for speaking out in very public ways during the last two months about your concerns re: application of law and process in Alvin Bragg’s case again Donald Trump. It takes some courage to speak honesty and to step away from perspectives that are likely popular and expected among your academic peers and social acquaintances.

    Your quote about karma is disappointing though. Personal feelings and certitudes about behavior patterns of people who we dislike that are not prosecuted as crimes doesn’t justify manipulating law and process for the sake of karma. Half the country or more would argue that the same shoe fits Bill and Hillary Clinton. They’ve engaged in patterns of shady, perhaps criminal behavior through the decades. Should hard right DAs and AGs create novel legal strategies to charge and convict them in hostile jurisdictions because… karma? No!

    I also think you’d agree that most people with the “Trump had it coming” opinion have no idea what crime he committed in the Manhattan case. You shouldn’t reduce yourself to this intellectual superficiality.

    To my COM colleague, Dr. Vigil: You are hovering right over the target with your quote: “And so I think that says something to where we are as a nation and who we are becoming as a people… In terms of the ways we’ve shifted some of our perspectives on what does and doesn’t matter, in terms of leadership.”

    Correct, but you fail to dig deeper and opine about the reasons fueling this major shift in voter sensibilities—many who are able to reconcile voting for a twice impeached, criminally charged and now convicted former president—and the shift in traditional party demographic alignments. To do so would tear at the team jersey you proudly wear and work against the political outcomes you publicly desire. I’d be delighted to be proven wrong.

    Some reasons worth exploring: incompetent leaders across all parties and levels of government, a shaky economy, massive debt, unchecked immigration, rising crime, multiplying foreign wars, the prosecution of political enemies, the non-prosecution of common crimes, social unrest, a polarized public, working class and ethnic minority voters who are increasingly unable to understand orthodoxies or speak the language of the woke left—of which you often present yourself as a thought leader.

    Voters aren’t rubes. They see what’s going on. They experience the results of bad policies. In practical terms, I suspect the conviction won’t change much for most people. If anything, it risks driving those who sympathize with Trump’s narrative to vote. I agree with Senator Romney: “Democrats think they can put out the Trump fire with oxygen. It’s political malpractice.”

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