• Andrew Thurston

    Editor, The Brink Twitter Profile

    Photo of Andrew Thurston, a white man with black glasses. He smiles and wears a maroon polo shirt.

    Andrew Thurston is originally from England, but has grown to appreciate the serial comma and the Red Sox, while keeping his accent (mostly) and love of West Ham United. He joined BU in 2007, and is the editor of the University’s research news site, The Brink; he was formerly director of alumni publications. Before joining BU, he edited consumer and business magazines, including for corporations, nonprofits, and the UK government. His work has won awards from the Council for Advancement and Support of Education, the In-House Agency Forum, Folio:, and the British Association of Communicators in Business. Andrew has a bachelor’s degree in English and related literature from the University of York. Profile

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There are 5 comments on Innocent Mole or Skin Cancer? FDA Clears Device with BU-Developed Technology That Makes Detection Easier

  1. I am part of this program but have not participated recently.
    I appreciated the news of a special sensor to detect skin lesions irregularities.
    Any of this service provided for any or special Dermatologist here at MGH?
    If so, Is there an open list to make an appointment with such Dr.?
    Thanks so much, Charlotte Gross

  2. I am very interested in the DermaSensor. It is a Major break thru for patients
    who have several forms of cancer already.
    I had colon cancer, basil and squamous, I also have a nodule on my thyroid,and a spot in my eye that an eye specialist is watching carefully. I just had it checked yesterday and it has not changed in size the past 6 months. I had not been seen by the dermatoligist in three years!
    Just being part of All of Us, this is a major breakthrough of medical intervention
    information. Thank you for sharing the info of this new device for cancer detection.

  3. There is something else to be considered. Years ago, when a patient went to see their physician, he or she actually looked at them, touched them, smelled them, listened and percussed them. Now, physicians sit across from them taping on the computer keyboard while the patients speak, often not even looking in their direction. Then the physician may order a multitude of tests.
    We seem to be losing the “art” of medicine. How many skin cancers could be picked up if the patient disrobed and the physician actually looked at their skin. This is especially important for those areas of the body that the patient cannot see. (example-the back of their body) Additionally, not everyone has good eyesight and can notice the fine details of a mark/growth. If they do see something, they often brush it off and then forget how long it has been there or how much it has grown. A significant percentage of people live alone or do not have someone else observing their skin.
    This new device sounds great, but there would be significantly better outcomes if there was a comprehensive approach.

    1. I was also thinking how this might actually work in a primary care setting. While I found a PC doctor that is caring and seems very good, I doubt he would use such a device. He operates similarly as you described, talking mostly. He does have younger staff taking the notes for him most of the time, but the “exam” is mostly talk and mostly just reviewing a list of items that seem to be “best practice”. I am screened for heart disease, prostate cancer, and the benefits of screening for colon cancer are discussed once you are old enough, but we never even discuss skin cancer. Until PC doctors see this as part of their annual physical, why would they buy this device and use it ? They could visually screen and refer without this device, but they do not. The device seems like it could make the screening process better but there is no process now. Seems to be left to the patient to see a dermatologist on their own, for screenings. There needs to be some education/lobbying of doctors and insurance companies to include skin cancer screenings as part of the annual physical, and this product could be part of the pitch, giving PC docs a way to assess what they see. I worry that PC docs will just err on the side of sending you to a dermatology regardless, just to be “safe” (meaning avoid lawsuits).

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