• Molly Callahan

    Senior Writer

    Photo: Headshot of Molly Callahan. A white woman with short, curly brown hair, wearing glasses and a blue sweater, smiles and poses in front of a dark grey backdrop.

    Molly Callahan began her career at a small, family-owned newspaper where the newsroom housed computers that used floppy disks. Since then, her work has been picked up by the Associated Press and recognized by the Connecticut chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists. In 2016, she moved into a communications role at Northeastern University as part of its News@Northeastern reporting team. When she's not writing, Molly can be found rock climbing, biking around the city, or hanging out with her fiancée, Morgan, and their cat, Junie B. Jones. Profile

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There are 6 comments on Mother’s Conviction in Son’s School Shooting Sets a Troubling Precedent, BU LAW Expert Says

  1. I understand that these parents ignored signs of mental illness in their son yet still made it possible for him to get a gun. Weren’t they worried about their sons suicide? It would make sense to charge the parents with involuntary manslaughter since their negligence was instrumental in making the school shooting possible. That’s the law. Yet the BU professor is only concerned about this verdict because the parents are not wealthy, famous or powerful. Well, Alec Baldwin is wealthy, famous and has influence. Yet he has been indicted on the same charge in the killing of Halyna Hutchins on the movie set. What has happened to the Law faculty training the next generation?

    1. Mike: You skirted the issue. Rich and powerful Alec Baldwin doesn’t have anything to do with defendants of modest means or defendants of color or defendants at the hands of prosecutors who are antagonistic to particular members of our society. Although it’s not the same thing, this case nevertheless opens the door to parents being prosecuted for the actions of their gang member offspring.

  2. It is time that parents remember that they are supposed to be raising the children they choose to bring into the world. Support from community is one thing, but schools and the general public should not be charged with teaching civility and respect and appropriate behavior in public. It is a parent’s responsibility to teach their child how to behave. We are bombarded with news stories (and videos) about groups of young people fighting, riding scooters and terrorizing traffic (and beating people up), mob robbing stores, and the 6 year old shooting his teacher. There are no consequences for these young people – so it is time to make their parents responsible for their actions. There are child tax credits, tax benefits, etc. for having children – and those financial benefits are accepted. Perhaps it’s time to hold parents accountable to start parenting their children so the general public, teachers, etc. don’t have to put up with the violence, disrespect and bad behavior. In the long run – making a successful adult starts with raising an appropriately behaved child….and that is the role of a parent. Stop blaming other people when your child misbehaves and actually put in the effort to teach them manners and consideration of others. That means spending time with your child, noticing any issues and getting help, and stop providing them with weapons (whether a gun, motorbike, knife) with which to terrorize their community. Pretty simple. Put down the phones, stop with the social media overload, and spend time actually talking to and teaching your child.

    1. Thank God!! This is a great start to make parents accountable for the actions of their children. If you knew and you do, know your child or relative is crazy, you are accountable for for buying or negligent access to a gun. I hope this stands and becomes the law. You are as responsible for the actions as they are. Maybe people will lock up their guns tighter, maybe people won’t go out and furnish a person who deeply needs help with a semi automatic. Weapons of war not weapons for elementary, middle or high school or church or grocery stores or restaurants or gas stations or Walmart or Lubys. The list goes on and on unfortunately. If your a parent that can only identify your dead child by they’re shoes I do believe the fire power aimed at our children is something as we as a country need to keep that where it belongs with the military. Our children did not enlist to get mowed down in school. Neither did we.

  3. These parents not only purchased a firearm for the 15-year-old child, but also made it readily available by keeping it in an unlocked drawer. Rather than teach Ethan about responsible gun rules, they encouraged Ethan to “not get caught” when teachers raised concerns about Ethan’s behavior and pictures he drew of him shooting and killing his classmates. They ignored clinical signs of mental illness. They refused to have Ethan evaluated. While the convictions of Ethan’s parents are novel, they acted criminally and perhaps intentionally negligent and should be held to account for the deaths of 4 innocent victims. While parents can’t and should not always be responsible for the actions of their children, in this case they enabled and encouraged this tragedy.

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