• Doug Most

    Associate Vice President, Executive Editor, Editorial Department Twitter Profile

    Doug Most is a lifelong journalist and author whose career has spanned newspapers and magazines up and down the East Coast, with stops in Washington, D.C., South Carolina, New Jersey, and Boston. He was named Journalist of the Year while at The Record in Bergen County, N.J., for his coverage of a tragic story about two teens charged with killing their newborn. After a stint at Boston Magazine, he worked for more than a decade at the Boston Globe in various roles, including magazine editor and deputy managing editor/special projects. His 2014 nonfiction book, The Race Underground, tells the story of the birth of subways in America and was made into a PBS/American Experience documentary. He has a BA in political communication from George Washington University. Profile

  • Jake Belcher

    Jake Belcher Profile

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There are 13 comments on Seeking Campus of “Dignity, Fairness, and Respect,” President Freeman Addresses Israel-Hamas War

  1. The “both sides” rhetoric displayed here is frankly appalling and disgusting. Israel is currently being tried for genocide, how am I supposed to be respectful to Zionists who support a nation that sees people like me as trash? This spineless statement is yet another reason I am ashamed to be a student at this school.

    The language used here is downright evil, Jewish student call for condemnation of Hamas but Palestinians simply, “have *sought* what they *believe* is long-overdue recognition of Palestinian suffering.” In a sentence focused on the watered down language used to describe the death and destruction in Gaza this piece uses watered down language. All 36 hospitals in Gaza have been bombed or raided, the universities in Gaza have been destroyed and all this university can offer is a vague hand wave and shrug. Zionists are a threat to people like me and until that is recognized I will not be safe on this campus. Clearly the university is not interested in actually taking any kind of substantial action seeing as the administration can’t even grow a spine.

    1. One cannot expect a University President to do what several U.S. Presidents could not, that is to please the Palestinian‘s representative ‘government’, certainly Hamas. But since this is the U.S. you were able to freely speak your mind. I do not agree with you. I would hope that an appropriate response from the Israel perspective will be forth coming. If you have the academic curiosity and courage watch a short YouTube about Academic Freedom. (Search the most recent Peter Boghossian and Bruce Gilley video). It is called a Case for Colonialism, it is much more than that. If you are triggered, rub some dirt on it. Good luck and maybe you will learn something.

      1. Oof, you really just sent a love letter to colonialism to this comment section?? Unbelievable. Yes, let’s revise history some more and say that colonialism was actually good for all of the people the west brutalized, occupied, and murdered. Yes, white people are the only civilized group of people on the planet, so obviously we must force our superior civility on the rest of the world. Are you serious right now? Not only is this disgusting rhetoric, but the very first thing that came up when I googled this piece introduces it with this: “Editor’s Note (Updated June 6, 2021): NAS member Bruce Gilley’s article, “The Case for Colonialism,” went through double-blind peer review and was published in Third World Quarterly in 2017. It provoked enormous controversy and generated two separate petitions signed by thousands of academics demanding that it be retracted, that TWQ apologize, and that the editor or editors responsible for its publication be dismissed. Fifteen members of the journal’s thirty-four-member editorial board also resigned in protest.” And here you are with your little jab about being triggered. Triggered? No. Confused at how you can think you’re correct, or have any shred of humanity? Yes, absolutely.

    2. Do you mean the same Gaza hospitals that even the Biden Administration has recognized to be actively harboring and supporting Hamas terrorists through their tunnels and overseen by their “medical director”? Perhaps if Palestinians didn’t cowardly utilize civilian infrastructure such as schools, hospitals, and churches, then there would be fewer casualties – even though it’s disturbing that polling reveals widespread Palestinian civilian support for the terror group that conducts street gang rapes and beheadings of grandmothers in their homes.

  2. Great job! Quick comment on this line: “The war that began with a deadly attack against Israel by Hamas on October 7 has claimed more than 24,000 (PALESTINIAN) lives, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry, and another 60,000 have been injured. ”

    More than 96% of deaths are those of the unarmed babies, children, elderly, women, and men of Palestine. It is a genocidal toll, as we see by the charge of genocide against Israel in the international courts. It is important to not use watered down or avoidant language when it comes to one group of people, in this case the Muslims. Martin Luther King Jr., who we are so proud to say was a BU alum, would not be happy with the coverage/language in journalism that we are seeing from BU today.

    Second – the war did not start on Oct 7th. It started in 1948, when the first Palestinians were removed from their homes forcefully after welcoming a new group of people into their land with open arms. TO BE CLEAR, there has been no peace since then. The deaths of unarmed Palestinians are now just at a higher, unprecedented toll than previous massacres, with technology allowing the average person to record and post on social media so that Americans and people globally can see what is actually happening with their own eyes.

    Note that allegations of Hamas violence against babies have been disproved and revoked by multiple Israeli officials who have been unable to provide evidence for this claim.

  3. This “war” did not start on October 7. The genocide and ethnic cleansing has been in operation for hundreds of years. Supporting Netenyahu’s regime is exactly parallel to supporting Hitler during WWII.

  4. One group supports a free democratic states with values similar to the US ones, fighting for it’s small existence against tens of millions of Arabs surrounding it, and the other group is supporting a horrifying terror organization who’s mission is to kill Jews (Article 1 in the Hamas treaty – kill all jews and destroy Israel). What can we learn about the people that support Hamas on campus? That they seek a “dialog”? this is a joke. They seek to continue persecuting jews, plane and simple.

  5. It would be wonderful if we could get past the simplistic “both sides” talk. There are non-Arab Muslims (e.g. Persian and Turkic), Arab Christians, (who have a very different perspective from “Western Christians), among the parties that figure prominently in the quest to find common ground and move forward. Painting everything black or white creates the type of polarization that leads to escalation.

    Anyone who practices any of the Abrahamic religions should see genocidal intentions in the identification of Amalek with Palestinians, the bulldozing of graveyards, or an AI-based targeting system called “the gospel”. As in the case of the Rwandan genocide, nations play legal games when as refuse to recognize genocide for fear of being obliged to act to stop it. As depressing as it may be, recognizing “the banality of evil” is probably a good starting point for our collective educational effort.

    Hoping to get back to shameless hopes and prayers.

  6. All of you spouting off about colonialism is a joke. First off, Israel IS the ancestral homeland of the Jewish People. You cannot colonize what was once yours. Second, if you feel as though these awful colonizers need to leave their land then you should as well. Stop hiding behind your devices a pack your bags. Give the land you are on back to the people who once inhabited it and go back to Europe. Or would it be okay if Israel made some lame land acknowledgement and then went about their business like so many do here to appease their guilt. This is all so gross and stupid.
    Netanyahu is the Trup of Israel. He is an evil man who cannot be reasoned with. Stop putting an entire country in the trash bin because it’s leader is an ass. This was the US 3 years ago and most likely will be again in a year. A vindictive authoritarian does not represent the whole country.
    And lastly, read your history…..please. The Palestinians weren’t sitting by with welcome baskets as refugees fleeing the atrocities of the Holocaust stumbled into a new home. They were scared and anxious as to what was going to happen. And it was the surrounding Arab countries that asked many of them to leave their homes so they wouldn’t be harmed in the attacks on the new Jewish State. They were promised their land back when the Jews were pushed into the sea……but they lost and then had no plan for the thousands of homeless people they created.

    Oh, and Hamas is a terrorist organization that hates Jews, the US, LBGTQ, and most Europeans. But sure, let’s root for them.

    Before you all get mad at me, i am NOT supporting the wholesale murder of thousands of innocents. I am just saying that this is not black and white and if we are not looking at this from all sides, we are failing. I donate to Yad v Yad, a group of schools that teach Jewish and Palestinian children at the same time. What are you doing?

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