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There are 4 comments on POV: The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and the Psychology of Trauma

  1. How do you “peacefully protest” behind a border wall, under occupation. How can the people of Gaza “peacefully protest” when the IDF shoots them by the thousands when they come up to said border wall hands up with white flags. How do the people of Gaza “peacefully protest” when long before October 7th the IDF was kneecapping children. It’s so easy to criticize the victims of ethnic cleansing until you put yourself in their situation and image how they could actually go about doing what you are suggesting. We all have a responsibility to end all aid to Israel to allow the Palestinian people to be able to BREATH much less organize enough to peacefully protest.

  2. I think that the most obvious conclusion from you analysis is that Hamas must be wiped out entirely, or else it will respawn and continue murdering Palestinians and Israelis. A cease-fire now is exactly what they need to reinvigorate this capability.

    It is also silly to lecture Gazans that they are better off with non-violence, from your academic perch in Western Boston. The fact of the matter is that violent Hamas has a great deal of support, in Gaza and in the West Bank and in various parts of the world (including some in the US!) . They were voted in democratically, and all indications remain that the vast majority of the Gazan population support them and their murder/rape spree from October 7.

  3. Considering the people of Gaza managed to launch 14,000 rockets on Israeli civilians just in the last 3 months after they managed to execute a very successful attack by thousands of people on Israel on October 7 – seems that organizing a peaceful demonstration should be entirely possible if desired. And Israel has not been occupying Gaza since 2005. It’s governed by Hamas.

    Just because Israelis invested in building the “safe” rooms and the Iron Dome instead of building miles of attack tunnels under the civilian buildings – doesn’t mean that Gazans are not doing their best to INTENTIONALLY kill tens of thousands of Israelis every day.

    We would all love to hear a more elaborate plan from the esteemed authors of this article on how exactly the more selective war can be accomplished under the conditions in Gaza. In a densely populated area with the adversary dressed in civilian clothes and hiding behind civilians and jumping out of tunnels. The war experts around the world seem to be impressed by Israeli efforts to not hit innocent civilians. We can only wish Russia exercised the same effort in Ukraine. Is the article about that war?

    The esteemed authors of this article should take care (for the sake of impartiality) to not only quote the figures published by Hamas, but also by Israel. They should not only offer punitive measures for Israelis but also for Hamas and “peaceful” Gazans that streamed into Israel right behind Hamas to plunder and rape, and are now holding Israeli hostages. They should not only quote the number of misplaced Gazans who are the victims of their government’s attack on Israel, but also the number of misplaced Israelis who WERE attacked. Would seem to be a professional thing to do.

  4. I do feel that this is so one sided, regarding Hamas and only a brief mention regarding the forceful takeover of land and homes by Jewish people. Also, the bullying and takeover of land on the West Bank currently and for several recent years. Propaganda? My interest was why, after everything that was done in the Holocaust can the same people do the same effectively to another people. You didn’t answer that. Sad that it turned into an attack on Palestinians, whilst only briefly mentioning how they were forced off their land. That alone is informative, no real mention of the Holocaust for Palestinians. Yes not death but expulsion and hate towards another group. South Africa as can be seen from their case don’t shy away from the truth. You barely mention the hate displayed to Palestinians. I wonder why don’t Jewish people join the dots? I can’t believe this is happening in my lifetime and I am powerless and the irony is after the Holocaust I will always support right from wrong no matter if 99.99% say it’s ok.

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