• Rashida Saherwala (COM’26)

    Rashida Saherwala (COM’26) Profile

  • Cydney Scott


    cydney scott

    Cydney Scott has been a professional photographer since graduating from the Ohio University VisCom program in 1998. She spent 10 years shooting for newspapers, first in upstate New York, then Palm Beach County, Fla., before moving back to her home city of Boston and joining BU Photography. Profile

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There are 6 comments on A Video Tour of Myles Standish Hall

  1. 610 Commonwealth Ave is indeed a “sick” building. Not in the sense of “how great to have AC,” but that the name honors a mass murderer of Wampanoag peoples. I hope BU Today publishes a follow up or edited story that rectifies the critical omissions of this version (which implicitly argues for keeping the name), and that BU acts soon to change the name.

  2. Love this piece. I was among one of the first freshman class to be housed in the annex. With large windows over Bay State Road and access to Kenmore Square it was a good place to be. Emerson College also used the dinning hall there then!

    Thank you for the history.

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