• Andrew Thurston

    Editor, The Brink Twitter Profile

    Photo of Andrew Thurston, a white man with black glasses. He smiles and wears a maroon polo shirt.

    Andrew Thurston is originally from England, but has grown to appreciate the serial comma and the Red Sox, while keeping his accent (mostly) and love of West Ham United. He joined BU in 2007, and is the editor of the University’s research news site, The Brink; he was formerly director of alumni publications. Before joining BU, he edited consumer and business magazines, including for corporations, nonprofits, and the UK government. His work has won awards from the Council for Advancement and Support of Education, the In-House Agency Forum, Folio:, and the British Association of Communicators in Business. Andrew has a bachelor’s degree in English and related literature from the University of York. Profile

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There are 4 comments on Is It COVID-19, a Cold, or the Flu? What to Do When COVID and Flu Cases Surge

  1. When reported cases have hit the second highest wave of the pandemic, and when we know that these numbers are likely very underreported, we should be more cautious than ever. As a public health professional with a background in viral microbiology, I am still concerned about the pandemic and what it means long-term.

    COVID-19, influenza and RSV are all airborne and can linger in the air like smoke. Thank you to Dr. Hamer for his guidance and important messages about masking and vaccinations. It’s also essential to know that air ventilation and filtration are key to cleaning the air and reducing transmission of these diseases.

    COVID-19 is so new that researchers and other health professionals are still learning about what it does to the body and long term health. Already we are seeing that COVID-19 is attacking the immune system like HIV does. It’s also been linked to other health effects like brain fog, organ failure, or even getting sick more easily and often. Every infection increases people’s chances of developing Long COVID.

    Public health guidance is lagging, but the research coming out day after day is alarming and rightfully concerning. Combined with countless stories of peoples’ lived experiences, we should be strongly encouraging people to not get COVID-19 at all whether for the first time or as a reinfection.

    More than that, our leading institutions—whether it’s our government or BU itself— should be dedicated to leading the field and looking for ways to proactively protect people, by focusing on cleaning the air, offering accessible PCR and rapid testing, and preventing the spread of these diseases. That they have not yet is disappointing, and I urge them to act now to save countless lives and peoples’ current and future health.

  2. My name is Mark from Charleston, SC , you just described me, I never got Covid until four days ago, I tested positive. I thought I had a common cold until I realized I could not smell.

  3. there is no such thing as a natural immunity to Covid thru getting covid. what a shameful lie to report as fact. your immune system is not a muscle that gains strength from being sick. each covid infection makes your body weaker and weaker.

  4. The following explanation is why I wear a mask whenever I go out. I am sure others who wear masks use them for more serious reasons, and I will always respect their rationale for whatever ground of explanation there may be.

    My side effects (reaction) to the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine (in 2021) was as follows (It happened within seconds, after the vaccine).
    Extreme High Blood Pressure (over 200/100), and fast heartbeat,* and tremors,* and slurred* words.
    EMT was called and told me to talk to my doctor regarding taking any form of the Covid-19 vaccine.

    Afterwards, when I got home one or two of my toes hurt (intermittently throughout the day and once or twice at nighttime, the pain woke me up ). Fortunately, toe pain went away the next day. It did not reoccur in the future.

    I had high Blood pressure, daily, unexpectedly, for NO PARTICULAR REASON (with the above side effects*). BP was over 200/100, at times.
    I kept a daily Blood Pressure/heartbeat chart. The difference in my high blood pressure PRIOR TO my vaccine and AFTER my vaccine was this: My high blood pressure would last up to 3 or 4 hours with the vaccine, but “prior to” the vaccine it would only last from less than 20 minutes to rarely 60 minutes.

    Very occasionally, toward the beginning, after my vaccine, I would wake up in the middle of the night with Hi BP of over 200/100 and the bad symptoms* that occur with my high BP, mentioned above.
    There was no reason why this would occur, as it never had happened before I was given the vaccine.

    Also, I would have High Blood Pressure out of the blue, unexpectedly, during the day or evening– whereas PRIOR to the injection, high BP usually came upon me for a specific reason (such as after a phone conversation or a stressful news event, etc.).

    I was advised NOT to have a 2nd shot of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine or any other brand of vaccine by my doctors (they said I had a rare reaction). They said the vaccine could give me a stroke or worse.

    I had a Titer test, 30 days after the injection, and I had good antibodies for a short time–a few months or so

    It took up to 4 months or so to recover: I felt better with each passing month.

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