Verdi's Messa da Requiem on Monday, November 19, at 8 p.m., at Symphony Hall, presented by the Boston University Symphony Orchestra and Symphonic Chorus
Week of  9 November 2001 · Vol. V, No. 13


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Corporate Education

Center's TrainingTrack partners with Knowlogy
TrainingTrack, a new BU Corporate Education Center (BUCEC) enterprise that distributes training products and services through regional training providers across North America, announced on October 29 a partnership with Knowlogy Corporation. The linkup will provide training in critical skills -- defined as the capabilities an organization determines are critically important to its success -- to IT professionals in the Washington, D.C., area. The deal, estimated at $500,000 over two years, is the latest customer win inked by TrainingTrack, a network of training companies and academic institutions that distributes and markets Boston University's IT training and project management programs and services.

"When you combine Knowlogy's training, sales, and distribution expertise in the corporate sector with the quality of Boston University's best-of-breed courseware," says Andy Kelley, CEO of TrainingTrack, "you're looking at a very powerful new training resource for IT professionals in the DC area."


BU Women's Council aids terrorist victims

A unanimous vote taken at the September board meeting of the BU Women's Council approved a donation of $1,000 "to the fund for relief of the American Red Cross as a small recognition of the extraordinarily valiant work being done by this and affiliated organizations during this grievous time."


9 November 2001
Boston University
Office of University Relations