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- NEO March 2011: Re-Imagining EdenAll day
- Comprehensive Fitness Assessment8:00 am
- Marsh Chapel: Ash Wednesday Morning Prayer8:30 am
- BURN Magazine Submissions Deadline9:00 am
- The Alpha Gallery Opening Exhibition10:00 am
- "Storytellers: Photographs by Frank Armstrong, Bill Franson, and Stella Johnson"10:00 am
- South Africa: Artists, Prints, Community: 25 Years at The Caversham Press10:00 am
- Jeff Jacobson: Melting Point10:00 am
- Can Leaks Threaten our Democracy?10:00 am
- Three Artists at The Caversham Press - Deborah Bell, Robert Hodgins and William Kentridge10:00 am
- MECH - PHD Final Oral Defense of Zhaolong Shen10:00 am
- Cognitive and Neural Systems Dissertation Defense of Charles Wong10:00 am
- Certification Class on Caselaw Research in Print1:00 pm
- My Name is Asher Lev at the Lyric Stage2:00 pm
- Targeting Neuronal Pathways for Vector-mediated Gene and Protein Delivery to the CNS2:00 pm
- Distinguished Visitor Talk: Alessandro Lizzeri (NYU)3:30 pm
- ECE Seminar with Ethan Katz-Bassett4:00 pm
- BU Women's Lacrosse vs Dartmouth4:00 pm
- BME Seminar Series- Keisuke Goda, Ph.D.4:00 pm
- BU/Harvard/MIT Health Economics Seminar: Anna Aizer (Brown)4:30 pm
- BU Alumni Networking Night with EMBA Students5:00 pm
- Turkish Globally Speaking5:00 pm
- WAGE Project: Work $mart5:00 pm
- BU Women's Guild Event: "Pricing Bodies, Pricing Gender"5:30 pm
- ESL Workshop- Prepositions and Articles5:30 pm
- Greater Chicago Area Alumni & Admitted Student Reception5:30 pm
- Chinese Globally Speaking5:30 pm
- FSA's Kumanta Concert and Talent Show6:00 pm
- Marsh Chapel: Ash Wednesday Service6:00 pm
- My Name is Asher Lev at the Lyric Stage6:30 pm
- BU Jazz Jam Session8:00 pm
No event selected.