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- POSTPONED: Winterfest 201312:00 am
- Julia von Metzsch: Midnight at Coolidge PointAll day
- Traveling Terriers: Voyage of Discovery: Wonders of the Galapagos IslandsAll day
- Student Exhibition-Molly RosnerAll day
- Interview Date: TD BankAll day
- Alternative Visions/Sustainable FuturesAll day
- Exhibition: The Space in Between6:00 am
- 8th Annual Student Art Exhibition8:00 am
- Graduate Student Exhibitions: Adrienne Stein9:00 am
- Geriatrics Section Education Conference Series9:00 am
- IS&T SCV Tutorial - Introduction to Fortran Programming, Part Three10:00 am
- The Doors of Perception: Vision and Innovation in Alternative Processes10:00 am
- Exhibition: Teaching the Body10:00 am
- POSTPONED: Study Abroad Spring Expo12:00 pm
- Frank Korom, "‘We Speak, But No One Listens': The Problems and Prospects of Local/Global Flows in a Bengali Village"12:00 pm
- Medical Grand Rounds: Language barriers and Medical Interpretation: USA 1984-201312:00 pm
- CANCELED: Literary Translation Lecture Series1:00 pm
- CANCELED: Stereotype Threat: Philosophy, Psychology, and the Self 1:00 pm
- Networking 101: Make the Most of Your Connections 1:00 pm
- Tongue-Tied and Terrified: Public Speaking Workship2:00 pm
- IS&T SCV Tutorial - Introduction to Scientific Python2:00 pm
- Particle and Fields Seminar2:00 pm
- Terrier Track New Venture Workshops: The Fine Art of the Pitch3:00 pm
- ENG Dean's List Reception3:30 pm
- Laws of Kashrut4:30 pm
- SMG Bay Area Networking Event5:00 pm
- Shabbat Services and Dinner5:30 pm
- InterVarsity Multiethnic Christian Fellowship Large Group Meeting6:00 pm
- CANCELED: Men's Tennis at Dartmouth6:00 pm
- POSTPONED: Men's Hockey vs. Merrimack7:30 pm
- The Red Gala8:00 pm
- Legally Dead by Dan Hunter8:00 pm
No event selected.