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- Convergence: 60th Anniversary Alumni ExhibitionAll day
- The Bach Experience: BWV 789:45 am
- Study Group: "How Jesus Became God"9:45 am
- Marsh Chapel Children's Ministry11:50 am
- International Student Sunday Luncheon12:00 pm
- The Wired Word12:15 pm
- Marsh Chapel Bible Study12:30 pm
- Craft & Modernity: Professional Women Artists in Boston1:00 pm
- Conference: "Dispossession. The Plundering of German Jewry, 1933-1945 and Beyond"5:00 pm
- Dispossesion. The Plundering of German Jewry, 1933-1945 and Beyond5:00 pm
- Key-note Lecture on "Kristallnacht and the Destruction of Jewish Commercial Activity in Germany."5:00 pm
- Sunday Vespers--Lectio Divina6:30 pm
- Sunday Vespers6:30 pm
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