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- Holiday Raffle - Recommended Reads During IntersessionAll day
- Make a Difference Annual Donation DriveAll day
- SpotOn! Podcast: What's the Dope on Dopamine?7:00 am
- Spot On! Podcast: What Really is a Sustainable Diet?9:00 am
- Shipley Center Call for Proposals Information Session9:30 am
- Tai Chi (Advanced)12:00 pm
- Dying to Count: Post-Abortion Care and Global Reproductive Health Politics in Senegal12:00 pm
- Politics of Global Health Workshop12:00 pm
- Research Seminar Series: Aditi Mali12:00 pm
- Rodney Seminar: Security Force Assistance to Cameroon: How Building Enclave Units Deepens Autocracy12:30 pm
- Blake Wertz-Dissertation Defense1:00 pm
- Managing Anxiety Group3:00 pm
- Mindful Movement Yoga3:00 pm
- Designing and Implementing Career Pathway Strategies That Are Responsive to Industry Needs and Enable Social Mobility for All Youth and Young Adults4:00 pm
- Stress ReLeaf: Working with Tea for Calm & Focus4:00 pm
- Multiple Canonical Correlation Analysis for Tensor Data (David Degras-Valabregue -- UMass Boston)4:00 pm
- Stress ReLeaf: Working with Tea for Calm & Focus4:00 pm
- Black Students Support Group4:00 pm
- Let's Speak: Japanese4:30 pm
- BUCSA Asian Studies Holiday Party5:00 pm
- BUCSA Holiday Reception5:00 pm
- Mindfulness Meditation Group5:00 pm
- Community Dinner5:00 pm
- Fall 2022 BUMC R.A.D. Self-Defense Training6:00 pm
- Let's Speak: French6:00 pm
- Aurora Borealis: A Festival of Light and Dance7:00 pm
- Woodwind Chamber Music Concert7:00 pm
- Creative Innovation Panel: Perspiration, Inspiration, Celebration!7:30 pm
- Aurora Borealis: A Festival of Light and Dance9:00 pm
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