Revenue Management and Analytics Concentration—Master of Management in Hospitality

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The Master of Management in Hospitality’s Revenue Management & Analytics concentration addresses and prepares students for a growing and highly detailed role in the hospitality industry. Twenty years ago, revenue management and analysis careers emerged in response to changing industry practices and the digitization of trip planning and marketing. As a result of greater data availability, demand for advanced-level professionals who can examine numbers and project revenue across sales, marketing, and financial efforts has soared.

Taken during the spring semester of our one-year Master of Management in Hospitality (MMH) degree, the Revenue Management and Analytics concentration introduces students to advanced analytics, forecasting strategies, and digital marketing through a hospitality-focused lens and builds upon the degree’s management- and operational-focused required courses.

Board Room Overview Image of students and staff

Why Specialize in Revenue Management & Analytics?

Hotels, restaurants, and resorts have a wealth of data available to them. The revenue manager or analyst makes sense of it all to address and solve key operational issues.

An MMH degree with a Revenue Management and Analytics concentration fosters the analytical and yielding mindset a student needs to succeed while also solidifying their more technical skill set. In turn, students learn to utilize statistical programming, analytic visualization, forecasting, yield management, predictive modeling, and segmentation techniques in a modern hospitality context.

By the end of the program, graduates have the skills and knowledge to deliver sound, data-driven business decisions such as:

  • making projections that improve product and service offerings, 
  • increasing revenue using the property’s existing facilities and capabilities, 
  • predicting and mitigating risks, 
  • forecasting future performance, and 
  • knowing when to offer discount rates and to which customers.

MMH Student working

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Learn More About the MMH Degree—Revenue Management and Analytics Concentration 

Eyeing a more analytical, finance-based role in the hospitality industry? An MMH degree with a Revenue Management and Analytics concentration supplies you with the knowledge and hands-on experience needed to excel in this highly specialized area. 

To learn more about the program, please contact our Manager of Academic Services & Graduate Admissions at or (617)-353-3261 or request information today.

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