Morning Study Group

  • Starts: 9:45 am on Sunday, November 12, 2017
  • Ends: 10:30 am on Sunday, November 12, 2017
In honor of Dean Hill's ten years of service and leadership at Marsh Chapel, this semester we'll be reading Village Green: Sermons from Asbury First United Methodist Church. We will read and discuss some of the Dean's sermons, consider the differences and similarities in ministry contexts between Rochester and Boston, and learn about how sermons get written. We might even have a special appearance from Dean Hill himself at the end of the semester! (Contact: The Rev. Jen Quigley, Special Note: As always, books are free to anyone who wants to join. However, Dean Hill has ordered these books at his publisher’s rate (half off). If you're willing to make a donation of the book cost ($23), we will cover the cost of the book and give the other half as a donation to the Dean's Endowment Fund. Books are available in the Chapel Office.
Thurman Room, located on the lower level of Marsh Chapel (735 Commonwealth Ave.)