Alex Kim

SHA’16 General Manager, Eventide Fenway LLC

Hometown: Los Angeles, CA

Current Location: Boston, MA

Why did you choose SHA?
I love food and people; restaurants are the perfect intersection of those things and even though I got into BU as a nutrition major, studying food and beverage was much more interesting than chemistry!

What was your first full-time job? How did you end up in your current position?
Food & Beverage Management Training Program with Hyatt in Boston. I worked my way through a couple concepts and here I am!

Please describe your current role. How did your SHA education impact your career?
General Manager, Eventide Fenway. I manage all Front of House related things at the restaurant. SHA gave me the opportunity to get experiences while I was still in school that were invaluable to me when I graduated and worked through different businesses.

Any advice for current and prospective students?
Your greatest resource right now is time! Use it to explore yourself, try new things, and get your hands dirty!