Will Blockchain shift Online Travel Agencies toward growth or to an end? Tourism Economics

By: APOSTOLOS AMPOUNTOLAS, Ph.D. Abstract The hospitality industry is one of the fastest-growing sectors globally. With the emergence of different distribution platforms, customers can obtain real-time price changes, availability, and promotions. Looking to the future, traditional online travel agencies will have to undergo a utility shift in order to adapt to new technology. Therefore, blockchain […]

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Skills Needed to Succeed as Marketers in Hospitality

By Dr. Mark Legg & Dr. Makarand Mody Successful Marketing in 2020 and beyond = Operations + Analytics + Attentiveness and Curiosity. Guests today in our industry are being inundated everywhere by advertising. Being able to reach our guests successfully is becoming an increasingly complex task. Marketing today in the hospitality sector is more complicated than […]

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The Development of Responses to Social Media Reviews in the Lodging Industry

By: Suzanne Markham Bagnera Abstract This case study presents information about User-Generated Content (UGC) on social media sites, like TripAdvisor®. This case study aims to familiarize students with social media websites and demonstrate how management should respond to reviews posted by consumers. Examples of positive and negative management responses are provided to help identify appropriate […]

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[BU Today] SHA Students Help Real-World Clients with Hospitality Marketing

“Hand your business marketing over to a bunch of college students? That’d be crazy, right? Maybe not. Since 2015, hospitality businesses large and small have been turning to students in Leora Lanz’s classes at the School of Hospitality Administration for help with their marketing challenges. They have not quite handed over the reins, but they have […]

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Hospitality Digital Marketing Students Publish Best Practices on Hospitality Upgrade Blog

Despite the dozens of different digital marketing channels available to brands, email marketing is not dead. In fact, the email marketing delivers one of the best ROI’s of all channels. Students enrolled in our HF368 Digital Marketing Strategies course share best practices for personalizing marketing emails in a recently published article in Hospitality Upgrade. Check out […]

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SHA’s Advanced Marketing Impress the Best with Final Projects

The Fall 2015 HF 460 Advanced Marketing Strategies classes had the opportunity to create innovative marketing ideas and assemble and document real plans for actual clients. The class proved to be a challenging and thought provoking approach to  marketing communications and branding for a variety of hospitality assets. This semester’s clients included: Finger Lakes Wine Country:  A destination marketing plan was […]

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