Program Overview

Boston University AI4ALL is a program promoting greater diversity and inclusion in the field of Artificial Intelligence. Young women, or those who identify as female, currently in their sophomore or junior year of high school in the Boston area are welcome to apply. During the 3-week program, participants will explore the field of AI through team projects, industry field trips, and presentations from guest speakers. The program will conclude with a small group research project and a presentation for friends and family. BU AI4ALL does not charge an application fee or tuition, however all students accepted into the online program pay a $100 non-refundable registration fee.

BU AI4ALL is one of eleven AI4ALL programs across North America dedicated to eductating the next generation of AI thinkers and creating a diverse AI workforce.

Learn more about the national organization at ai-4-all.org.

Read more about the organization in an article from the Atlantic.

Read about the BU Program in BU Today.