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Business Analytics
MET AD 571 Business Analytics Foundations
Prereq: AD100 Pre-Analytics Laboratory and ADR100 Introduction to R
This course presents fundamental knowledge and skills for applying business analytics to managerial decision-making in corporate environments. Topics include descriptive analytics (techniques for categorizing, characterizing, consolidating, and classifying data for conversion into useful information for the purposes of understanding and analyzing business performance), predictive analytics (techniques for detection of hidden patterns in large quantities of data to segment and group data into coherent sets in order to predict behavior and trends), prescriptive analytics (techniques for identification of best alternatives for maximizing or minimizing business objectives). Students will learn how to use data effectively to drive rapid, precise, and profitable analytics-based decisions. The framework of using interlinked data inputs, analytics models, and decision-support tools will be applied within a proprietary business analytics shell and demonstrated with examples from different functional areas of the enterprise. R, SQL, and Power BI software are used in this course. [ 4 cr. ]
Section | Type | Instructor | Location | Days | Times |
A1 | IND | Dickson | CAS 426 | M | 2:30 pm – 5:15 pm |
A2 | IND | Padalkar | STH 113 | M | 6:00 pm – 8:45 pm |
A4 | IND | Ritt | CAS 324 | W | 6:00 pm – 8:45 pm |
O1 | IND | Rabinovich | ARR | 12:00 am – 12:00 am |
MET AD 599 Introduction to Python and SQL for Business Analytics
Prerequisite: PY100 (Intro to Python)
Python is a modern, high-level programming language. One of the most popular programming languages, its use has steadily increased across a large number of industries. This course introduces students to the Python environment and teaches a solid foundation in the basic syntax and structure. Structured Query Language (SQL) is the most common language globally for interacting with relational databases. Employers have indicated that knowledge of SQL is one of the most important skills for new graduates entering the workforce. Even with advances in database technologies and languages for handling heterogeneous data types, SQL remains the core skill for interacting with data. This course introduces both languages to equip students pursuing an analytics education with the skills necessary to succeed in the analytics and data visualization field. The outcome of this course will be a focused survey of Python and SQL topics designed to equip analytics professionals rather than a deep focus on technical programming topics. [ 4 cr. ]
Section | Type | Instructor | Location | Days | Times |
A1 | IND | Valath Bhuan Das | KCB 107 | M | 6:00 pm – 8:45 pm |
A2 | IND | Yu | FLR 121 | R | 6:00 pm – 8:45 pm |
O1 | IND | Yu | ARR | 12:00 am – 12:00 am |
MET AD 605 Operations Management: Business Process Fundamentals
This course will provide students with the analytical tools to analyze, manage, and improve manufacturing, service, and business processes. Coverage includes various options to lower operational costs and improve responsiveness to customers' needs, including operating system design, product & service design, capacity analysis & buffering, waiting line optimization, and process quality analysis using statistical approaches. Quantitative methods include application of stochastic simulation, analysis of random outcomes, statistical analysis routines (confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, machine learning), system reliability analysis, and statistical process control. The Deming philosophy of management, Lean operations principles, and Six Sigma process improvement methodologies form the underlying foundation of the course coverage. [ 4 cr. ]
Section | Type | Instructor | Location | Days | Times |
A1 | IND | Maleyeff | SHA 206 | M | 2:30 pm – 5:15 pm |
A2 | IND | Saluti | EPC 204 | T | 6:00 pm – 8:45 pm |
A6 | IND | Maleyeff | FLR 123 | T | 12:30 pm – 3:15 pm |
O1 | IND | Gunes Corlu | ARR | 12:00 am – 12:00 am |
MET AD 616 Enterprise Risk Analytics
Prereq: METAD571
The course offers an overview of the key current and emerging enterprise risk analytical approaches used by corporations and governmental institutions and is focused on understanding and implementing the enterprise risk management framework on how to leverage the opportunities around a firm to increase firm value. The major risk categories of the enterprise risk management such as financial risk, strategic risk, and operational risk will be discussed and risk analytics approaches for each of these risks will be covered. Students will learn how to use interlinked data inputs, analytics models, business statistics, optimization techniques, simulation, and decision-support tools. An integrated enterprise risk analytics approach will be demonstrated with examples from different functional areas of the enterprise. R, SQL, and Power BI software are used in this course. [ 4 cr. ]
Section | Type | Instructor | Location | Days | Times |
A1 | IND | Ritt | CAS 116 | M | 6:00 pm – 8:45 pm |
A2 | IND | Ritt | MET 101 | T | 12:30 pm – 3:15 pm |
A4 | IND | Yu | SHA 201 | R | 12:30 pm – 3:15 pm |
O2 | IND | Yu | ARR | 12:00 am – 12:00 am |
MET AD 632 Financial Concepts
Introduction to the concepts, methods and problems of accounting and financial analysis. Includes accounting principles, measurement and disclosure issues, financial statement analysis, time value of money, cash flow projection and analysis, capital budgeting and project evaluation, bond and equity valuation, cost of capital and capital structure. 4 cr. Effective Fall 2021, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Quantitative Reasoning II, Critical Thinking. [ 4 cr. ]
Section | Type | Instructor | Location | Days | Times |
A1 | IND | Becker | COM 213 | M | 2:30 pm – 5:15 pm |
A3 | IND | McGue | MET 122 | T | 12:30 pm – 3:15 pm |
A4 | IND | McGue | CGS 313 | T | 6:00 pm – 8:45 pm |
A5 | IND | Athaide | FLR 152 | W | 6:00 pm – 8:45 pm |
A8 | IND | Mendlinger | SHA 201 | F | 11:15 am – 2:00 pm |
O2 | IND | Ayyad | ARR | 12:00 am – 12:00 am |
MET AD 654 Marketing Analytics
Prereq: METAD571
Become familiar with the foundations of modern marketing analytics and develop your ability to select, apply, and interpret readily available data on customer purchase behavior, new customer acquisition, current customer retention, and marketing mix optimization. This course explores approaches and techniques to support the managerial decision-making process and skills in using state-of-the- art statistical and analytics tools. Students will have an opportunity to gain a basic understanding of how transaction and descriptive data are used to construct customer segmentation schemas, build and calibrate predictive models, and quantify the incremental impact of specific marketing actions. Python, R, SQL, and Power BI software are used in this course. [ 4 cr. ]
Section | Type | Instructor | Location | Days | Times |
A1 | IND | Page | MET 122 | M | 2:30 pm – 5:15 pm |
A3 | IND | Page | CAS 204A | W | 2:30 pm – 5:15 pm |
A4 | IND | Page | CAS 208 | W | 6:00 pm – 8:45 pm |
O1 | IND | Tyson | ARR | 12:00 am – 12:00 am |
MET AD 688 Web Analytics for Business
Prereq AD100, ADR100, AD571
Explore web analytics, text mining, web mining, and practical application domains. The web analytics part of the course studies the metrics of websites, their content, user behavior, and reporting. The Google Analytics tool is used for the collection of website data and doing the analysis. The text mining module covers the analysis of text including content extraction, string matching, clustering, classification, and recommendation systems. The web mining module presents how web crawlers process and index the content of websites, how search works, and how results are ranked. Application areas mining the social web and game metrics will be extensively investigated. R, SQL, and Power BI software are used in this course. [ 4 cr. ]
Section | Type | Instructor | Location | Days | Times |
A1 | IND | Padalkar | COM 217 | T | 6:00 pm – 8:45 pm |
A2 | IND | Dickson | PSY B55 | R | 12:30 pm – 3:15 pm |
A3 | IND | Dickson | CAS 201 | W | 6:00 pm – 8:45 pm |
O2 | IND | Padalkar | ARR | 12:00 am – 12:00 am |
MET AD 699 Data Mining for Business Analytics
Prereqs: AD100,ADR100,AD571
Enterprises, organizations, and individuals are creating, collecting, and using a massive amount of structured and unstructured data with the goal to convert the information into knowledge, improving the quality and the efficiency of their decision-making process, and better positioning themselves in the highly competitive marketplace. Data mining is the process of finding, extracting, visualizing, and reporting useful information and insights from both small and large datasets with the help of sophisticated data analysis methods. It is part of business analytics, which refers to the process of leveraging different forms of analytical techniques to achieve desired business outcomes through requiring business relevancy, actionable insight, performance management, and value management. The students in this course will study the fundamental principles and techniques of data mining. They will learn how to apply advanced models and software applications for data mining. Finally, students will learn how to examine the overall business process of an organization or a project with the goal to understand (i) the business context where hidden internal and external value is to be identified and captured, and (ii) exactly what the selected data mining method does. R, SQL, and Power BI software are used in this course. [ 4 cr. ]
Section | Type | Instructor | Location | Days | Times |
A1 | IND | Page | SOC B63 | M | 6:00 pm – 8:45 pm |
A2 | IND | Athaide | MCS B29 | T | 12:30 pm – 3:15 pm |
A3 | IND | Page | PSY B55 | T | 6:00 pm – 8:45 pm |
O2 | IND | Athaide | ARR | 12:00 am – 12:00 am |
MET AD 715 Quantitative and Qualitative Decision-Making
The purpose of this course is to help improve business problem solving and managerial decision-making through the use of quantitative and qualitative decision-making tools and techniques. This course will provide the student with an overview of how decisions are made to solve management problems in the business environment. It introduces the fundamental concepts and methodologies of the decision-making process, problem-solving, decision analysis, data collection, probability distribution, evaluation, and prediction methods. Students will learn how to apply different quantitative and qualitative analytical tools commonly used in business to provide a depth of understanding and support to various decision-making activities within each subject area of management. Through the use of case studies of decisions made by managers in various production and service industries and a business simulation package specifically prepared for this course, the scope and breadth of decision-making in business will be described. [ 4 cr. ]
Section | Type | Instructor | Location | Days | Times |
A1 | IND | Athaide | COM 215 | M | 2:30 pm – 5:15 pm |
A2 | IND | Dickson | CAS B06B | M | 6:00 pm – 8:45 pm |
A4 | IND | Zlatev | MET 122 | W | 2:30 pm – 5:15 pm |
A5 | IND | Valath Bhuan Das | CAS 233 | W | 6:00 pm – 8:45 pm |
A6 | IND | Ritt | KCB 104 | R | 12:30 pm – 3:15 pm |
A7 | IND | Lindley | SOC B57 | R | 6:00 pm – 8:45 pm |
O2 | IND | Zlatev | ARR | 12:00 am – 12:00 am |
MET AD 899 Capstone Project in Applied Business Analytics
Prereq: at least three of the ABA specialization courses AD616, AD654, AD688, AD699
The Business Analytics Capstone Project provides valuable learning experiences and opportunities to apply a set of techniques, competencies, and procedures acquired after the completion of all core and specialization courses within the MS in Applied Business Analytics program. The purpose of this course is to obtain insights about a business that results in improved data-driven decision- making to create value on different levels of an enterprise. Includes application of statistical, stochastic, and dynamic modeling, data mining, forecasting, and operations research techniques to the analysis of problems of business organization and performance. R, Python, SQL, and Power BI software are used in this course. The solving of real problems facing different size companies are assigned to small teams of students and is overseen by our curriculum advisory board, ABA faculty, and business partners from a range of industries. [ 4 cr. ]
Data Analytics
MET CS 544 Foundations of Analytics and Data Visualization
Formerly titled CS 544 Foundations of Analytics with R.
The goal of this course is to provide students with the mathematical and practical background required in the field of data analytics. Probability and statistics concepts will be reviewed as well as the R tool for statistical computing and graphics. Different types of data are investigated along with data summarization techniques and plotting. Data populations using discrete, continuous, and multivariate distributions are explored. Errors during measurements and computations are analyzed in the course. Confidence intervals and hypothesis testing topics are also examined. The concepts covered in the course are demonstrated using R. Laboratory Course. Prereq: MET CS546 and (MET CS520 or MET CS521), or equivalent knowledge, or instructor's consent. [ 4 cr. ]
Section | Type | Instructor | Location | Days | Times |
A1 | IND | Pan | PSY B37 | M | 6:00 pm – 8:45 pm |
A2 | IND | Diwania | COM 215 | T | 6:00 pm – 8:45 pm |
O1 | IND | Kalathur | ARR | 12:00 am – 12:00 am |
MET CS 546 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
Undergraduate Prerequisites: Academic background that includes the material covered in a standard c ourse on college algebra. - The goal of this course is to provide students with the mathematical fundamentals required for successful quantitative analysis of problems. The first part of the course introduces the mathematical prerequisites for understanding probability and statistics. Topics include combinatorial mathematics, functions, and the fundamentals of differentiation and integration. The second part of the course concentrates on the study of elementary probability theory, discrete and continuous distributions. Prereq: Academic background that includes the material covered in a standard course on college algebra or instructor's consent. For undergraduate students: This course may not be taken in conjunction with MET MA 213, only one of these courses will count toward degree program requirements. Students who have taken MET MA 113 as well as MET MA 123 will also not be allowed to count MET CS 546 towards degree requirements. [ 4 cr. ]
Section | Type | Instructor | Location | Days | Times |
A1 | IND | Gorlin | CAS 226 | M | 6:00 pm – 8:45 pm |
A2 | IND | Gorlin | CAS 213 | T | 6:00 pm – 8:45 pm |
O1 | IND | Temkin | ARR | 12:00 am – 12:00 am | |
O2 | IND | Temkin | ARR | 12:00 am – 12:00 am |
MET CS 550 Computational Mathematics for Machine Learning
Undergraduate Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of Python or R; or consent of instructor. - Mathematics is fundamental to data science and machine learning. In this course, you will review essential mathematical concepts and fundamental procedures illustrated by Python and/or R code and visualizations. Computational methods for data science presented through accessible, self-contained examples, intuitive explanations, and visualization will be discussed. Equal emphasis will be placed on both mathematics and computational methods that are at the heart of many algorithms for data analysis and machine learning. You will also advance your mathematical proficiency enabling you to effectively apply your skills to data analytics and machine learning. [ 4 cr. ]
Section | Type | Instructor | Location | Days | Times |
A1 | IND | Pinsky | MET 101 | M | 6:00 pm – 8:45 pm |
MET CS 555 Foundations of Machine Learning
Formerly titled CS 555 Data Analysis and Visualization with R.
This course provides an overview of the statistical tools most commonly used to process, analyze, and visualize data. Topics include simple linear regression, multiple regression, logistic regression, analysis of variance, and survival analysis. These topics are explored using the statistical package R, with a focus on understanding how to use and interpret output from this software as well as how to visualize results. In each topic area, the methodology, including underlying assumptions and the mechanics of how it all works along with appropriate interpretation of the results, are discussed. Concepts are presented in context of real world examples. Recommended Prerequisite: MET CS 544 or equivalent knowledge, or instructor's consent. [ 4 cr. ]
Section | Type | Instructor | Location | Days | Times |
A1 | IND | Wu | SHA 202 | T | 6:00 pm – 8:45 pm |
A2 | IND | Alizadeh-Shabdiz | CAS 228 | W | 12:30 pm – 3:15 pm |
A3 | IND | Alizadeh-Shabdiz | STH B22 | W | 6:00 pm – 8:45 pm |
O2 | IND | Alizadeh-Shabdiz | ARR | 12:00 am – 12:00 am |
MET CS 566 Analysis of Algorithms
Undergraduate Prerequisites: (CS341 or CS342 or CS526) or instructor's consent - earn basic methods for designing and analyzing efficient computer algorithms and practice hands-on programming skills. Topics include sorting, searching, dynamic programming, greedy algorithms, advanced data structures, graph algorithms (shortest path, spanning trees, tree traversals), matrix operations, string matching, and NP-completeness. [ 4 cr. ]
Section | Type | Instructor | Location | Days | Times |
A1 | IND | Zhang | SHA 201 | M | 6:00 pm – 8:45 pm |
A2 | IND | Belyaev | STH 113 | W | 6:00 pm – 8:45 pm |
A3 | IND | Belyaev | MCS B37 | R | 6:00 pm – 8:45 pm |
O1 | IND | Braude | ARR | 12:00 am – 12:00 am |
MET CS 677 Data Science with Python
Students will learn major Python tools and techniques for data analysis. There are weekly assignments and mini projects on topics covered in class. These assignments will help build necessary statistical, visualization and other data science skills for effective use of data science in a variety of applications including finance, text processing, time series analysis and recommendation systems. In addition, students will choose a topic for a final project and present it on the last day of class. Prerequisite: MET CS 521 or equivalent. Or, instructor's consent. [ 4 cr. ]
Section | Type | Instructor | Location | Days | Times |
A1 | IND | Pinsky | CAS 216 | W | 6:00 pm – 8:45 pm |
A2 | IND | Pinsky | HAR 222 | T | 6:00 pm – 8:45 pm |
A3 | IND | Mohan | CDS 264 | R | 6:00 pm – 8:45 pm |
O2 | IND | Chertushkin | ARR | 12:00 am – 12:00 am |
MET CS 688 Web Mining and Graph Analytics
Prerequisites: MET CS 544, or MET CS 555 or equivalent knowledge, or instructor's consent. - The Web Mining and Graph Analytics course covers the areas of web mining, machine learning fundamentals, text mining, clustering, and graph analytics. This includes learning fundamentals of machine learning algorithms, how to evaluate algorithm performance, feature engineering, content extraction, sentiment analysis, distance metrics, fundamentals of clustering algorithms, how to evaluate clustering performance, and fundamentals of graph analysis algorithms, link analysis and community detection based on graphs. Laboratory Course. [ 4 cr. ]
Section | Type | Instructor | Location | Days | Times |
A1 | IND | Vasilkoski | MCS B37 | M | 6:00 pm – 8:45 pm |
A2 | IND | Vasilkoski | CAS 222 | W | 6:00 pm – 8:45 pm |
A3 | IND | Hajiyani | CAS 327 | M | 6:00 pm – 8:45 pm |
O1 | IND | Rawassizadeh | ARR | 12:00 am – 12:00 am |
MET CS 689 Designing and Implementing a Data Warehouse
Graduate Prerequisites: CS 579 or CS 669 or consent of the instructor - This course surveys state-of-the art technologies in DW and Big Data. It describes logical, physical and semantic foundation of modern DW infrastructure. Students will create a cube using OLAP and implement decision support benchmarks on Hadoop/Spark vs Vertica database. Upon successful completion, students will be familiar with tradeoffs in DW design and architecture. Prereq: MET CS 579 or MET CS 669 and either MET CS 520 or MET CS 521. Or instructor's consent. [ 4 cr. ]
Section | Type | Instructor | Location | Days | Times |
O2 | IND | Polnar | ARR | 12:00 am – 12:00 am |
MET CS 699 Data Mining
Prerequisites: MET CS 521 & MET CS 546; MET CS 579 or MET CS 669; or consent of instructor. - Study basic concepts and techniques of data mining. Topics include data preparation, classification, performance evaluation, association rule mining, regression and clustering. Students learn underlying theories of data mining algorithms in the class and they practice those algorithms through assignments and a semester-long class project using R. After finishing this course, students will be able to independently perform data mining tasks to solve real-world problems. [ 4 cr. ]
Section | Type | Instructor | Location | Days | Times |
A1 | IND | Lee | CAS 326 | M | 6:00 pm – 8:45 pm |
A2 | IND | Lee | EPC 206 | W | 6:00 pm – 8:45 pm |
MET CS 767 Advanced Machine Learning and Neural Networks
Graduate Prerequisites: MET CS 521; MET CS 622, MET CS 673 or MET CS 682; MET CS 677 strongly recommended; or consent of instructor. - Theories and methods for learning from data. The course covers a variety of approaches, including Supervised and Unsupervised Learning, Regression, k-means, KNN’s, Neural Nets and Deep Learning, Recurrent Neural Nets, Rule-learning, Adversarial Learning, Bayesian Learning, and Genetic Algorithms. The underpinnings are covered: perceptrons, backpropagation, attention, and transformers. Each student focuses on two of these approaches and creates a term project. [ 4 cr. ]
Section | Type | Instructor | Location | Days | Times |
A1 | IND | Chertushkin | EPC 206 | T | 6:00 pm – 8:45 pm |
A2 | IND | Mohan | MET 101 | T | 9:00 am – 11:45 am |
MET CS 777 Big Data Analytics
This course is an introduction to large-scale data analytics. Big Data analytics is the study of how to extract actionable, non-trivial knowledge from massive amount of data sets. This class will focus both on the cluster computing software tools and programming techniques used by data scientists, as well as the important mathematical and statistical models that are used in learning from large-scale data processing. On the tools side, we will cover the basics systems and techniques to store large-volumes of data, as well as modern systems for cluster computing based on Map-Reduce pattern such as Hadoop MapReduce, Apache Spark and Flink. Students will implement data mining algorithms and execute them on real cloud systems like Amazon AWS, Google Cloud or Microsoft Azure by using educational accounts. On the data mining models side, this course will cover the main standard supervised and unsupervised models and will introduce improvement techniques on the model side.
Prerequisite: MET CS 521, MET CS 544 and MET CS 555. Or, MET CS 677. Or, Instructor's consent. [ 4 cr. ]
Section | Type | Instructor | Location | Days | Times |
A1 | IND | Alizadeh-Shabdiz | MCS B31 | M | 6:00 pm – 8:45 pm |
O1 | IND | Trajanov | ARR | 12:00 am – 12:00 am |
MET CS 779 Advanced Database Management
Graduate Prerequisites: (METCS579 OR METCS669) or consent of the instructor - This course covers advanced aspects of database management including normalization and denormalization, query optimization, distributed databases, data warehousing, and big data. There is extensive coverage and hands on work with SQL, and database instance tuning. Course covers various modern database architectures including relational, key value, object relational and document store models as well as various approaches to scale out, integrate and implement database systems through replication and cloud based instances. Students learn about unstructured "big data" architectures and databases, and gain hands-on experience with Spark and MongoDB. Students complete a term project exploring an advanced database technology of their choice. Prereq: MET CS 579 or MET CS 669; or instructor's consent. [ 4 cr. ]
Section | Type | Instructor | Location | Days | Times |
A1 | IND | Polnar | MET 122 | R | 6:00 pm – 8:45 pm |
O1 | IND | Polnar | ARR | 12:00 am – 12:00 am |
MET MA 582 Mathematical Statistics
Graduate Prerequisites: (METMA581 OR CASMA381 OR CASMA581) - Interval estimation. Point estimation including sufficiency, Rao-Blackwell theorem, completeness, uniqueness, Rao-Cramer inequality, and maximum likelihood estimation. Tests of hypothesis: uniformly most powerful tests, uniformly most powerful unbiased tests, likelihood ratio test, chi-squared test, comparison of means and variances, ANOVA, regression, and some nonparametric tests. [ 4 cr. ]
Section | Type | Instructor | Location | Days | Times |
A1 | IND | Weiner | EPC 206 | R | 6:00 pm – 8:45 pm |