Academic Dress/Cap and Gown—The traditional garb for graduates of academic institutions. The traditional Boston University commencement garb is red gown and black mortarboard: wear your tassel on the left for the Metropolitan College ceremony.

Alumna(e)—Female graduate(s) of a college or university.

Alumni—Group of male graduates or a group of male and female graduates.

Alumnus—Male graduate.

Certificate of Graduation—Also known as Graduation Verification or Degree Verification, the Certificate of Graduation details the graduate’s name, degree(s) awarded, major(s) and minor(s), applicable honors, graduation date(s), and the awarding school(s). It is signed by the Registrar and is imprinted with the official University seal.

Commencement—Literally, a beginning; the ceremony at which one officially graduates and receives a diploma.

Graduate Degree Candidate—A graduate student who has fulfilled all academic requirements, completed a Graduation Application, and received approval to graduate from his/her academic department.

Graduation Application—Metropolitan College students must complete the Graduation Application in order to graduate. Your completed application will be reviewed by your academic counselor, who will clear you to graduate. This process ensures that each student has met all degree requirements.

Honors—A title of distinction granted to undergraduates who achieve high grade point averages. Among graduating seniors in each school and college, the Latin honors expressions are defined as follows: Cum Laude—“with praise” or “with distinction”; Magna Cum Laude—“with great praise” or “with great distinction”; and Summa Cum Laude—“with highest praise” or “with highest distinction.” For specific grade point average ranges, please contact your advisor or visit the Office of the University Registrar’s website.

Graduation Verification—See entry for “Certificate of Graduation.”

Official Graduate—The designation given to those students who have successfully completed all the requirements of their degree program as certified by their academic counselor (Undergraduate Degree Candidates) or academic department (Graduate Degree Candidates).

Residency—All Metropolitan College bachelor’s degree candidates must complete a minimum of 12 courses at Boston University, of which at least six courses must be in one’s concentration at the College. Consult with your academic counselor if you have questions about residency.

Senior—An undergraduate student with 32 or fewer credits remaining as required for graduation.

Senior Breakfast—A University-wide event usually held during the first week in May to honor graduating seniors (undergraduates). The Alumni Office contacts May graduates shortly before the event.

Senior Week—A week of events and celebration for University-wide graduating seniors (undergraduates). Metropolitan College students may participate in any of these events as they wish. Questions should be directed to the Student Activities office at 617-353-3635.

Undergraduate Degree Candidate—An undergraduate who has fulfilled all academic requirements, completed a Graduation Application, and received approval to graduate from an academic counselor.

Walking—The act of participating in the May commencement ceremony before one has completed all of the requirements to graduate (your graduation takes place, and your diploma will be given to you only after your academic counselor or department has certified that all degree requirements have been completed).

  • Undergraduate degree candidates must be within four courses of graduation and receive prior approval from MET Student Services in order to walk.
  • Graduate degree candidates must be within two courses of graduation and receive prior approval from the appropriate academic department or program office in order to walk.