MET Computer Science and Distance Education Authors Team Up for a Second Book

Hot on the heels of Best Practices for Administering Online Programs (New York: Routledge, 2021), three BU Metropolitan College coauthors have regrouped to produce another book: Winning Online Instruction: A Q&A for Higher Education Faculty (New York: Routledge, 2022) Dr. Dan Hillman, associate director of instructional design for BU MET’s Office of Distance Education; Dr. […]

Inspired to Give Back, Steven Akers (MET’94) Names Three MET Offices

Through generous donations to Metropolitan College, alumnus Steven G. Akers (MET’94) has funded the naming of three offices in the BU MET building at 1010 Commonwealth Avenue: The Izabella Temkina Computer Science Chair’s Office The Annie Wilcox Applied Social Sciences Chair’s Office The Mabel A. Akers Administrative Sciences Chair’s Office The Izabella Temkina Computer Science […]

MET Computer Science and Learning Team Authors New Tome on Best Practices in Online Education

Best Practices for Administering Online Programs, a new book to be published later this month by Routledge Press, is a collaborative effort by BU MET leadership, faculty, and staff that lays out the principles of one of the College’s major strengths: affordable, accessible, and scalable online learning. Digital, distance-based instruction is a highly collaborative field, […]

Metropolitan College Wins USDLA Best Practices Award

In conjunction with its 2015 National Conference in St. Louis, Missouri, the United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA) presented Boston University with the Platinum Best Practices Award for Distance Learning Programming. The award recognized the Metropolitan College Department of Computer Science online course Quantitative Methods for Information Systems. Developed by Associate Professor and Chair of […]


MET Online Course Wins Catalyst Award with Distinction

Blackboard’s Catalyst Award, Director’s Choice for Courses with Distinction, was given to Associate Professor and Chair of Computer Science Anatoly Temkin and Senior Instructional Designer Dan Hillman for Quantitative Methods for Information Systems, a core course in MET’s online master’s in Computer Information Systems. As defined by Blackboard, the Catalyst Award “honors those who push […]
