Cronin Highlights Role of Digital Forensics in Modern Crime-Solving

MET Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice Shea Cronin was interviewed by BU Today to discuss the roles online evidence and careless internet behavior have played in a number of recent police investigations into violent crime. Drawing from lessons student learn as part of the Master of Criminal Justice with concentration in Crime Analysis, as well […]

Boston’s New Police Commissioner Should Implement Direct Community Oversight, Says Shea Cronin

Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice Shea Cronin recently spoke with BU Today about Boston’s newly appointed police commissioner, Michael Cox, who arrives to the job with a mandate to reform the department he oversees. The chair of MET’s Department of Applied Social Sciences, Cronin offered suggestions on how Cox can help the Boston Police Department […]

Professor Shea Cronin Quoted in New Bedford Light Article on Police Data Mix-up

Dr. Shea Cronin, assistant professor of criminal justice and associate chair of the Department of Applied Social Sciences at BU’s Metropolitan College, was quoted in a March 9, 2022, article published by the New Bedford Light. The article, “New Bedford police submit inaccurate data to state agency reviewing officer misconduct,” delves into misleading data reported […]