Chadwick Fellows 2014–2015

Faculty: Danielle Rousseau

Danielle RousseauAssistant Professor of Criminal Justice Danielle Rousseau will take two qualitative research trips to Haiti to evaluate the cultural translation, adaptation, and implementation of a Trauma-Informed Mind-Body (TIMBo) program developed in response to gender-based violence following the 2010 earthquake. Read more about Rousseau’s ongoing efforts in Haiti in Metropolitan’s Commencement 2013 issue.

Project Presentation Slides

Staff: Elena Garofoli

Elena Garofoli Distance Education Senior Instructional Designer Elena Garofoli (SED’78)  will travel to New York to purchase Google Glass and do a product fitting at Glass Base Camp. Garafoli will investigate how the wearable technology—which overlays one’s field of vision with relevant data projected directly onto the retina via tiny camera and prism—can be utilized for innovative online courses.

Project Presentation Slides