Chadwick Fellows 2017–2018

Recipients of the 2017–2018 Chadwick Fellowship are:

Faculty: Canan Gunes Corlu

Canan Gunes Corlu

Assistant Professor of Administrative Sciences Department, Dr. Canan Corlu will use the Chadwick Fellowship to travel to the headquarters of Fire Department of New York (FDNY) to start a research collaboration with the organization on several topics. In one of the collaboration areas, Dr. Corlu is aiming to help FDNY improve their response time to medical emergency calls by developing a computer simulation model. The Chadwick Fellowship will allow Dr. Corlu to use her methodological research on solving real world problems and more importantly helping the society with her research.

Project Presentation Slides


Staff: Kristin McAuliffe

Kristin McAuliffe
Kristin McAuliffe (MET‘10), the Director of Retention and Information Management for Enrollment Services, will use the Chadwick Fellowship to discover new and innovative ways to dig into enrollment data. By attending the Storytelling with Data workshops at BU’s College of Communication, she can better visualize the data we collect and ensure we are getting accurate information to serve our current and prospective students of Metropolitan College. She plans to use her new skills to assist others at the university and within the higher education community in understanding the story behind the numbers.

Project Presentation Slides