CIC Director Choi: Uber Hack Evidence of Need for Cyber-Vigilance, Training

Professor of the Practice Kyung-shick Choi, Metropolitan College’s director of Cybercrime Investigation & Cybersecurity programs, was interviewed by BU Today to share his thoughts on the recent high-profile data breach of international rideshare company Uber. In the Q&A, Dr. Choi outlined the importance of applied learning, as offered by the programs at MET, in practicing effective security techniques.

“[S]tatistically speaking, hands-on training really boosts your long-term memory. This type of training is essential so that you feel it when you click it and see what happens,” he explained. “Our programs at MET are designed to train our future law enforcement in cybercrime investigation and cybersecurity. We’re creating a scenario. So we have a suspect and a victim. Students really feel it. They are investigating the case and see how [the hacker] sends a phishing email and they really observe.”

Read more in BU Today.