Adam Chapdelaine, a lecturer in Boston University Metropolitan College’s City Planning & Urban Affairs program, has been named executive director of the Massachusetts Municipal Associations Board of Directors, an organization which unites regional municipal officials to articulate clear and united municipal messages, develops and advocates for unified policies, and collaborates to better the efficiency and effectiveness of municipal service delivery, acting as a voice of cities and towns across Massachusetts.

Chapdelaine, who teaches Public Finance and Urban Infrastructure (MET UA 509) at BU MET, has a long career in public policy and management, having previously served as deputy director of the Boston Green Ribbon Commission, where he worked to structure and execute strategies to help advance Boston in its commitment to decarbonize energy and build climate resiliency. Prior to that, he spent 10 years as town manager for the Town of Arlington, where he also prioritized climate mitigation and resilience.

Chapdelaine’s success are emblematic of the expert instruction BU MET students in the Master of City Planning and Master of Urban Affairs programs can expect, as they learn the skills to address the urgent matters that face municipalities worldwide.