Learning from Boston’s Top Cop
A BU Today series examining the building blocks of education at BU recently profiled Boston Police Commissioner William Evans, who is teaching MET’s criminal justice course Policing in a Democratic Society. Evans, who this year received a Roger Deveau Part-Time Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching, is spending six hours a week this summer in a BU classroom—passing on practical knowledge gained from his 31 years with the Boston Police.
With his class running until 9 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays, those days are grueling for a man who rises at 4:30 in the morning. But Evans says that he enjoys teaching and the chance it provides him to impart the class’s key lesson: police perform a multi-textured role in a democratic society—not just as enforcers of public security, but as social workers and political scientists balancing the law with individual freedoms.
Read more on BU Today.