Allston Railyard Development Discussion Trains Attention on Urban Future, Opportunity

BU’s Initiative on Cities held a recent seminar in which Metropolitan College Assistant Professor of Administrative Sciences Virginia Greiman and College of Arts & Sciences Professor of the History of Art & Architecture Daniel Bluestone were joined by representatives from the Boston Redevelopment Authority and the Harvard Graduate School of Design for a forum discussion […]

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View BU’s Seminar on Policing the City

On February 23, BU’s Initiative on Cities hosted Policing the City, “a conversation on race, municipal leadership, and public safety,” as part of its monthly Urban Seminar Series. The panel discussion featured experts on law enforcement and community issues, including Boston Police Commissioner William Evans, also a MET lecturer in criminal justice; the Rev. Jeffrey […]

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Academic Events—Spring 2014

Project Management in Practice Conference May 16, 2014 This year, the popular project management conference focused on women in the field. Feature addresses were made by Roberta Chinsky Matuson, Dean Tanya Zlateva, Professor Virginia A. Greiman, and Gina Abudi—all accomplished presenters, researchers and practitioners. Visit conference site Author’s Reception May 2, 2014 In May, MET […]

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Arts Administration’s Daniel Ranalli and the Art of Museum Viewing

On Friday, April 11, Associate Professor and Director of Arts Administration Daniel Ranalli participated in the Harvard Institute for Learning in Retirement series “Fridays @ HILR.” During The Art of Museum Viewing, Ranalli, Harvard Art Museums Director Thomas Lentz, and Boston Globe art critic Sebastian Smee discussed the following questions: Why do people go to […]


The Tor Project’s Meet n’ Greet Evening Event

Hosted by Boston University’s RISCS Center Date: Monday, March 18, 2013 Time: 6 -8pm Location: BU Hariri Institute, 111 Cummington Mall, Boston, MA – Room 180 Directions The Tor Project has been at the forefront of technology, research and conversations about anonymity, privacy online and freedom of express for over 10 years. Join us for […]

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