Master of Science in Administrative Studies


The Master of Science in Administrative Studies (MSAS) helps you build a foundation for success in today’s business world through an in-depth, focused curriculum that draws from several disciplines. This program gives you the skills to survive and prosper in the expanding global and electronic commerce industries, and the flexibility and skills to embrace the rapid change that is the hallmark of these fields.

The MSAS provides opportunity for in-depth study in the following concentration areas:

The Master of Science in Administrative Studies (MSAS) concentrations are designed to be industry- or area-specific. It is important to note that because of the program's specialized nature, it is different in its goal and scope from a Master of Business Administration (MBA), which is designed to provide individuals with a general overview of management skills and abilities. The MSAS is best suited for those who have acquired an understanding of the general skills and abilities in their professions and are seeking advanced, specialized study. Because of the differences in design and intent, courses in Boston University’s MBA and MSAS programs are not transferable.

Dual Concentration Option
Students may obtain additional specialized knowledge by completing two Administrative Studies concentrations.

Dual Degree Option

In appreciation of the converging nature of management skills and technology, the Administrative Sciences department collaborates with Metropolitan College’s departments of Arts Administration, Actuarial Science and Computer Science. Degree candidates in either program may use eight credits from one degree toward a second degree in one of these disciplines, thereby reducing their work by two courses. Students must be accepted by both departments, but they may request that application materials such as references and transcripts be forwarded from the first program to the second.


Department of Administrative Sciences 808 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston, MA 02215 617-353-3016

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The Project Management Institute's PMIGlobal Accreditation Center for Project Management awarded accreditation to select MET programs.