Relations between Nations: U.S. and Pakistan

Moderated by Professor John Carroll with panelists Ambassador Cameron Munter, Former U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan, and Ambassador Husain Haqqani, Former Pakistan Ambassador to the U.S. Attendance is free and open to the public, but please RSVP to confirm your attendance as well as how many guests you intend to bring. Ambassador Munter guided U.S.-Pakistani relations through a period of severe crisis (including the operation against Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad). He previously served as Deputy Chief of Mission in Baghdad, overseeing U.S. civilian and military cooperation in planning the draw down of U.S. troops. Ambassador Haqqani was Pakistan’s Ambassador to the United States in Washington, DC from 2008 to 2011. A trusted advisor of former Pakistani Prime Minster, the late Benazir Bhutto, Ambassador Haqqani is a professor of the practice at Boston University and director of the Center for International Relations at BU. He is also the Co-Chair of the Hudson Institute’s Project on the Future of the Muslim World. Haqqani’s distinguished career in government includes serving as an advisor to Pakistani Prime ministers Ghulam Mustafa Jatoi, Nawaz Sharif, and Benazir Bhutto. From 1992 to 1993 he was Pakistan’s ambassador to Sri Lanka.

Speaker(s): Professor John Carroll, Ambassador Cameron Munter, Ambassador Husain Haqqani
Wednesday, Oct 31, 2012 at 1:00pm until 3:00pm on Wednesday, Oct 31, 2012
The Castle, 225 Bay State Road
Open to General Public
Admission is free
Institute for the Study of Muslim Societies & Civilizations
Boston University

