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Publications Related to Sleep Research Projects

Nunn, C. L., McNamara, P., Capellini, I., Preston, B. T., & Barton, R. A. (in press). Primate sleep in phylogenetic perspective. In P. McNamara, C. L. Nunn, & R. A. Barton (Eds.), Evolution of sleep: Phylogenetic and functional perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Capellini, I., Barton, R. A., McNamara, P., Preston, B. T., & Nunn, C. L. (in press). Ecological constraints on mammalian sleep architecture. In P. McNamara, C. L. Nunn, & R. A. Barton (Eds.), Evolution of sleep: Phylogenetic and functional perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. `

McNamara, P., Capellini, I., Preston, B., Nunn, C. L., & Barton, R. A. (in revision).
The correlated evolution of sleep, hippocampus and the amygdala.
Brain, Behavior & Evolution.

Capellini, I., Venditti, C., & Barton, R. A. (in revision). Basal metabolic rate, total daily energy expenditure and body temperature in mammals and birds. Journal of Evolutionary Biology.

Capellini, I., McNamara, P., Preston, B. T., Nunn, C. L., & Barton, R. A. (in review). Does sleep play a role in memory consolidation? A comparative test. PLoS ONE.

Preston, B. T., Capellini, I., McNamara, P., Barton, R. A., & Nunn, C. L. (2009). Parasite resistance and the adaptive significance of sleep. (PDF)
BMC Evolutionary Biology, 9, 7.

Capellini, I., Barton, R. A., McNamara, P., Preston, B. T., & Nunn, C. L. (2008). Energetic constraints, not predation, influence the evolution of sleep patterning in mammals. (PDF)
Functional Ecology, 22(5), 847-853. 

Bernath, I., McNamara, P., Szternak, N., Szakacs, Z., Koves, P., Terray-Horvath, A., & Vida, Z. (2008). Hyperviscosity as a possible cause of positive acoustic evoked potential findings in patients with sleep apnea. Dual electrophysiological and hemorheological study. Sleep Medicine, in press. (PDF)

Capellini, I., Barton, R. A., Preston, B., McNamara, P., & Nunn, C. L. (2008).
Phylogenetic analysis of the ecology and evolution of mammalian sleep.
Evolution, 62-7,
1764-1776. (PDF)

Acerbi, A., McNamara, P., & Nunn, C. L. (2008). To sleep or not to sleep: The ecology of sleep in artificial organisms. BMC Ecology, 8: 10. (PDF)

McNamara, P., Capellini, I., Harris, E., Nunn, C. L., Barton, R. A., & Preston, B. (2008).
The phylogeny of sleep database: A new resource for sleep Scientists.
The Open Sleep Journal, 1, 11-14. (PDF)

McNamara P., Nunn, C., Barton, R., Harris, E., & Capellini, I. (2007).
Phylogeny of sleep and dreams. In D. Barrett & P. McNamara (Eds.) (PDF)
The new science of dreaming: Volume I: Biological aspects
(pp. 53-70). Westport, CT and London: Praeger Perspectives.

Nunn, C.L., & Altizer, S.M. (2006).
Infectious diseases in primates: Behavior, ecology and evolution. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Wegelin, J., McNamara, P., Durso, R., Brown, A., & McLaren, D. (2005).
Correlates of excessive daytime sleepiness in Parkinson’s Disease.  (PDF)
Parkinsonism & Related Disorders, 11
(7), 441-448.

Nunn, C.L., & Heymann, E.W. (2005).
Malaria infection and host behavior: A comparative study of Neotropical primates. (PDF)
Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology, 59, 30-37.

McNamara, P. (2004).
Genomic imprinting and neurodevelopmental disorders of sleep. (PDF)
Sleep & Hypnosis, 6
(2), 100-108.

McNamara, P. (2004). 
An evolutionary psychology of sleep and dreams.
New York, NY: Greenwood Press/Praeger.

Barton, R.A. (2004).
Binocularity and brain evolution in primates. (PDF)
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 101(27), 10113-10115.

McNamara, P., Belsky, J., & Fearon, P. (2003).
Infant sleep disorders and attachment: Sleep problems in infants with insecure-resistant versus insecure-avoidant attachments to mother. (PDF)
Sleep & Hypnosis, 5
(1), 7-16.

Nunn, C.L., Altizer, S., Jone, K.E., & Sechrest, W. (2003).
Comparative tests of parasite species richness in primates. (PDF)
The American Naturalist, 162(5), 597-614.

McNamara, P., Durso, R., & Auerbach, S. (2002).
Dopaminergic syndromes of sleep, mood and mentation: Evidence from Parkinson’s disease and related disorders. (PDF)
Sleep & Hypnosis, 4
(3), 119-131.

McNamara, P., Dowdall, J., & Auerbach, S. (2002).
REM sleep, early experience and the development of reproductive strategies. (PDF)
Human Nature, 13(4), 404-435. 

McNamara, P. Andresen, J., Clark, J., Zborowski, M., & Duffy, C. (2001).
Impact of attachment styles on sleep and dreams: A test of the attachment hypothesis of REM sleep. (PDF)
Journal of Sleep Research, 10, 117-127.

Nunn, C.L., & Barton, R.A. (2001).
Comparative methods for studying primate adaptation and allometry. (PDF)
Evolutionary Anthropology, 10, 81-98.

Barton, R.A., & Harvey, P.H. (2000).
Mosaic evolution of brain structure in mammals. (PDF)
Nature, 405, 1055-1058.

Zborowski, M., & McNamara, P. (1998).
Attachment hypothesis of REM sleep: Toward an integration of psychoanalysis, neuroscience, and evolutionary psychology and the implications for psychopathology research. (PDF)
Psychoanalytic Psychology, 15(1), 115-140.

McNamara, P. (1996).
REM sleep. (PDF)
New Ideas in Psychology, 14(1), 35-46.

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