Full Calendar

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This calendar is a round-up of events related to research from around BU. Browse all upcoming events by date, or select an event topic to narrow your search.

All Topics (February 13 through March 11)

Thursday, February 13

Friday, February 14

  • 2:00 PM
    NECST Lab Visit: Heterogeneous Systems, Hardware Acceleration, and More; Politecnico di Milano
    The NECSTLab is a laboratory inside DEIB department of Politecnico di Milano (Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria). It is a place where research meets teaching, and teaching meets research, also through academics and industrial events. At NECSTLab, we perceive that a close connection between research and education must be pursued to prepare our students…
  • 2:30 PM
    IS&T RCS Tutorial - Python for Data Analysis (Hands-on)
    This tutorial will introduce the basics of Data Analysis with Python and its powerful libraries such as Pandas and Matplotlib. What you will learn: Importing and Exporting the data Basic data processing, cleaning, and manipulation Basic inferential statistical analysis Data Visualization techniques

Tuesday, February 18

Wednesday, February 19

Thursday, February 20

  • 1:00 PM
    IS&T RCS Tutorial - Machine Learning with Python scikit-learn, Part Two (Hands-on)
    This session was rescheduled from Feb 6 due to technical issues. What to Expect: This session introduces Scikit-Learn, a powerful Python library for machine learning. Scikit-Learn supports supervised and unsupervised learning and offers tools for: Data preprocessing Model fitting Model selection Evaluation And much more Through hands-on exercises with real datasets, you'll learn to develop…

Friday, February 21

Monday, February 24

Wednesday, February 26

  • 12:30 PM
    Queering Repression: How the Global Crackdown on Civil Society Affects LGBT+ NGO Foundings
    Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) emerged over the 20th century to become instrumental aspects of domestic civil society, globally. These organizations are associated with improving many outcomes, such as support for minority populations like LGBT+ communities. Over time, however, a significant number of countries have enacted policies repressing civil society, generally, and LGBT+ organizations, specifically. What effects…
  • 2:00 PM
    IS&T RCS Tutorial - Introduction to Data and Code Reproducibility for Researchers (Lecture)
    This tutorial will introduce the idea of reproducibility for scientific analysis, including motivation and practical tips for getting started. While some examples may be given in R with environmental applications, concepts should be applicable to any analysis that depends on data and code. This tutorial will have useful reminders to all skill levels but will…

Thursday, February 27

Friday, February 28

  • 3:00 PM
    CISE Seminar: Yushan Chen, Cofounder and COO, Artly AI
    Talk Title: Artly AI: Blending Automation with Craftsmanship Abstract:How can AI and robotics transform industries that rely on human skill and craftsmanship? In this talk, I will share the journey behind Artly AI and Artly Coffee, where cutting-edge automation meets artisanal expertise to redefine how we experience handcrafted products. From solving labor shortages to enhancing…

Monday, March 3

  • 12:00 PM
    AI and Education Initiative Human and Machine Learning Lunch Series with Naomi Caselli, PhD
    Speaker: Naomi Caselli, PhD, Associate Professor, Deaf Education, Boston University Talk Title: Sign Language Recognition, Generation, and Translation: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Bio: Naomi Caselli is an Associate Professor at the Wheelock College of Education & Human Development at Boston University. She is also the director of the AI & Education Initiative at the Hariri Institute…

Thursday, March 6

  • 4:00 PM
    Mass Mobility Hub
    Join the Boston University Initiative on Cities and the City Planning & Urban Affairs Program for a panel discussion on the future of mobility and the role that the Mass Mobility Hub can play in advancing our transit options. Their vision is “Moving towards a cleaner, more efficient, and more equitable transportation system for all.”…
  • World Statistics Day Seminar
    Speaker:Youssef Marzouk, Professor in the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics at MIT and co-director of the MIT Center for Computational Science and Engineering Talk Title: “Scaling up the black box: simulation-based inference, transport, and dimension reduction” Abstract: Many practical Bayesian inference problems fall into the simulation-based or “likelihood-free” setting, where evaluations of the likelihood function…

Tuesday, March 11

  • 12:00 PM
    Health Data Science Distinguished Speaker Series with Dr. Bhramar Mukherjee, Yale SPH
    Cosponsors: Center for Health Data Science at BU SPH and the Hariri Institute for Computing Speaker: Bhramar Mukherjee, PhD, Anna M.R. Lauder Professor of Biostatistics, Professor of Chronic Disease Epidemiology at the Yale School of Public Health (YSPH) Talk Title: Unveiling Bias: A Statistician’s Quest for Data Representation in Health Research Abstract: Despite several proposed…

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