Each Flipped Learning Module (FLM) is a set of short videos and online activities that can be used (in whole or in part) to free up class time from content delivery for greater student interaction. At the end of the module, students are asked to fill out a brief survey, in which we adopt the minute paper strategy. In this approach, students are asked to submit their response to two brief questions regarding their knowledge of the module.

In this FLM, students are asked to complete a fill-in-the-blank outline which accompanies all three videos, covering the topic of integrating direct quotations in academic writing. The completed outline will enhance the students’ note-taking skills and will serve as a summary of the FLM that they may refer to in the future.

Key Terms

scholarly conversation, direct quotations, integrating quotes, signal verbs, sources, in-text citation, accuracy & context, MLA style

Module Overview

  1. Direct Quotations
    • The Importance of Direct Quotations in Your Writing
    • How to Choose and Use Quotations
  2. Integrating Quotes into Your Writing
    • The Importance of Quotation Integration in Your Writing
    • How to Integrate Quotes Effectively
    • Review: Important Guidelines
    • Online Activity
  3. In-Text Citations
    • The Importance of In-Text Citations in Your Writing
    • How to Create In-Text Citations in MLA Style
    • In-Class Activity/Worksheet

Download Video Transcripts

Video 1: Direct Quotations

Video 2: Integrating Quotes into Your Writing

NOTE: At 5:04 in this video, there is an error on the slide. Instead of a color ( : ), which the presenter is describing, the slide erroneously displays a semi-colon ( ; ). All other punctuation is correct.

Video 3: In-Text Citations

See all Writing Program Flipped Learning Modules