Aerial view of orange and white gift bags passed out as care packages to students still in residence on BU's campus. The bags contain an array of treats including oreos, candy, granola bars, popcorn, and juice, along with a “good luck on your finals” message from Residence Life.
May 14, 2020
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Finals Week Care Packages

Residence Life staff hand-delivered exam week care packages, with an array of treats and a “Good luck on your finals” message from Residence Life, on May 5 to each of the 400 plus students still living on campus. Maggie Sawada, Res Life assistant director, delivered packages on West Campus. “With my mask and gloves, I would give a little knock,” she says. “I explained that I was spreading a bit of joy on behalf of Residence Life to wish our students well on their finals. They were all genuinely and pleasantly surprised.” The packages were a collaboration among the Residence Hall Associations, Student Activities, and Dining Services. Photo by David Zamojski