Photo of BU Academy’s Alexis Puthussery with her family in her Chestnut Hill home waiting for the virtual graduation for BU Academy’s seniors May 18. Puthussery was one of two students elected to make graduation speeches and Governor Charles Baker was the keynote speaker. She wears a red cap and dress, and touches the tassel, and looks at the TV where her image is seen.
May 22, 2020
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2020 BU Academy Graduation

The 2020 BU Academy graduation on May 18 was among the thousands of such celebratory events held remotely this year. Alexis Puthussery, one of the academy’s two student speakers, spoke to fellow graduates, their families, and guests from her Chestnut Hill home. And as with most of this year’s grads, the in-person audience was her family. Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker was the BUA keynote speaker. Photo courtesy of Sujata Puthussery