Screenshot of the first remote meeting for Weaving for Wellness, participants are smiling and holding up their yarn creations. Image includes the following people: Lisa Lavina from the Build Lab; Felice Amato from the School of Visual Arts’ Art Education program Cami Wright, Costume Design, School of Theater, CFA; Zane Keely, BU CFA School of Theater - Costume Design MFA; Dana Clancy, Director of the School of Visual Arts and Painting Professor; Elanna Honan, SVA, 4+1 BFA Painting and Art Education; Addy Probert, SVA, 4+1 BFA Painting and Art Education; Jessica Bozek, Instructor, College of Arts and Sciences, KHC, and the Cross College Challenge and her daughter; Maddie Brown Undergraduate Costume Design, School of Theatre; and Grace Saathoff, Undergraduate in Costume Production, School of Theatre
April 14, 2020
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Weaving for Wellness

A screenshot of the first remote meeting of the BU group Weaving for Wellness: the group, which has sent out 22 kits, plans to hold several weaving sessions. The materials are simple—paper plates, a metal needle, and any kind of yarn, fiber, or string. If you don’t have those, you can still participate using a cardboard disc, your fingers, and recycled clothing, citrus netting, and plastic bags. The next Weaving for Wellness session is Sunday, April 19, from 3 to 4 pm. Email for more info.