Photo of Deborah Birx, MD, Coronavirus Response Coordinator at the White House, wearing a mask and talking to BU staff during a tour of the testing site at Kilachand CILSE October 9, 2020. Also seen, from left, Dr. Catherine Klapperich Professor and Vice Chair of Biomedical Engineering, BU , Dr. Irum Zaidi, Chief Epidemiologist for Corona Response Coordinator, and President Robert A. Brown stop briefly to talk. The site was not in use while the group gathered, and the group stands at an appropriate social distance from one another.
October 9, 2020
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Coronavirus Response Coordinator Visits BU Clinical Testing Lab

Deborah Birx, coordinator of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, visited Boston University and the Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT on Friday. Birx (left) and Irum Zaidi, corona response coordinator chief epidemiologist (second from right), toured BU’s Clinical Testing Lab at the Kilachand Center for Integrated Life Sciences & Engineering with BU President Robert A. Brown (right) and testing lab head Catherine Klapperich, an ENG professor of biomedical engineering (second from left). This week the lab processed its 200,000th test result. Photo by Cydney Scott