Aerial photo of 7/20/21 members of the BU women’s basketball team, including Riley Childs (COM’22) small forward, from left, Annabelle Larnard (Questrom’23), guard/forward, Emily Esposito (COM’22), guard, and Liz Shean (COM’23), guard, chat on Nickerson Field while working on their summer term class work July 20. The grass is greenish yellow, and there is a row of pink and white flowers in front of them.
July 22, 2021
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Between the Raindrops

So far Boston is on track for its third wettest July, so it’s no wonder the allure of a warm, dry day is irresistible. But when summer classes are a priority, why not combine the two, as these BU women’s basketball teammates managed to do July 20? Riley Childs (CGS’20, COM’22) (from left), Annabelle Larnard (Questrom’23), Emily Esposito (COM’22), and Liz Shean (COM’23) practice four hours a week, lift four hours a week, and play pickup games three hours a week, while also attending classes. Photo by Cydney Scott