Photo: Casey Crawford, a young white person with a short hair cut and wearing a white longsleeved shirt, places one of the last few ornaments on a large fir tree before choir rehearsal starts during the annual “Hanging of the Greens” on December 8 at Marsh Chapel.
December 12, 2022
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2022 Hanging of the Greens

To prepare for the joyous Christmas season and for Marsh Chapel’s 49th Service of Lessons and Carols, members of the Chapel community gathered on December 8 for the traditional Hanging of the Greens, where they hung wreaths, arranged holly, and decorated a Christmas tree before enjoying some Christmas cookies and singing a few Christmas carols. Marsh Chapel Choir soprano Casey Crawford was among those decorating before the choir rehearsed for the next night’s Lessons and Carols. Photo by William Chapman (COM’26)