Photo of students in BU’s Learn to Sail class, including Chelsea Mattioda (LAW’22), left, and Anna Carr, music accompanist at CFA, launching from the boating pavilion for lessons not he Charles River July 12. Mattioda and Carr both wear blue and green life jackets. Carr takes the front of the small, white boat (a Quest) with a bright green-yellow sail, while Mattioda, her hair in a bun, pushes from the back. The graffiti on the old rail track underneath the BU bridge is seen at left; the Charles at right.
July 19, 2022
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One of Summer’s Best Deals

Among FitRec’s many summer offerings, Learn to Sail classes are consistently popular. Students learn to rig and de-rig sailboats, tie four nautical knots (square, stopper, figure eight, bowline), sail a dinghy in light to moderate wind conditions, pass a basic helm test, and tack, gibe, dock, and safely capsize and right a dinghy, all in BU’s backyard on one of the country’s most popular rivers. Chelsea Mattioda (LAW’22) (left) and Anna Carr, a CFA music accompanist, ready a launch from the boating pavilion July 12. Photo by Cydney Scott