Photo: Jisu Lee (Wheelock’26), left, and Caitlyn Kyong (COM’26), right, decorate custom snow globes at the “Crafts & Chats” event within the Howard Thurman Center on the evening of November 30. Two young Asian women hold clear globes in their hands, as they laugh, paint, and decorate them.
December 4, 2022
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A Winter Wonderland of Snowflakes

Just in time for the upcoming holidays: Charcoal magazine’s November 30 Crafts & Chats event at the Howard Thurman Center offered the opportunity to decorate custom snow globes. Jisu Lee (Wheelock’26) (left) designs a “winter wonderland” on her snow globe while Caitlyn Kyong (COM’26) paints snowflakes. “Crafts & Chats is a time for people to commune and relax with each other,” according to Charcoal community relations director Maria Niño-Suastegui. The aim of the evening, a collaboration with BU’s First Generation Low Income Partnership (FLIP), was to bring the two groups together and provide an opportunity for students to bond over issues that are important to them. And, of course, have fun. Photo by William Chapman (COM’26)