Photo: Valerie Sanchez Covaleda (CAS '24)(left) and Katarina Quach (COM '24), the co-editors-in-chief unveil the cover of the third issue of Elevate, the magazine associated with the Newbury Center,.
April 4, 2024
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Launching Elevate 2024

A launch party for the 2024 edition of Elevate, the Newbury Center magazine featuring poems, essays, photos, and artwork by first-gen students, faculty, and staff, was held March 28 at the Photonics Center. Elevate coeditors-in-chief Valerie Sanchez Covaleda (CAS’24) (left) and Katarina Quach (COM’24) unveiled the cover, which was designed by Julia Brown (CAS’25). Photo by JD DiMatteo (COM’25, CAS’25) Photo by JD DiMatteo (COM ’25, CAS ’25)