from the current issue,
an excerpt from

"The Treachery of Memory"
by Bongani Sibanda:

He woke up in a mansion, his throat sore, a letter under his pillow.

Dear K.,

The surgery was a success, thank you very much. The director will have his peace and, as per the contract, you'll have this marvelous house and receive your monthly stipend. Congratulations. Liking your new home already? That's to be expected. Please note that it'll be some weeks before your throat heals completely. Pain tablets are in the middle drawer in the chest of drawers by the window.

Thank you again,

The Association

Once he had repeated the letter numerous times—folding it carefully and tossing it on the bed after each round, and after some anxious coughs, mumbles and caresses of the stitched neck, picking it up again for another helping—K pocketed the damn thing, stood up, pondering his predicament, forcing himself to stay calm while suppressing a fear that was only matched by shock and confusion. . . .

Continue reading this Caine Prize-nominated story,
or visit the table of contents for No. 24>>

Published by Pen and Anvil Press


ISSN 2150-6795
Clarion Magazine © 1998-present by BU BookLab and Pen & Anvil Press