Interviews We Published or Which We Recommend

E.B. White: "I hate interviews and do not regard them as a sensible form of activity or a means of enlightenment." Clarion, too, dislikes itit being the preening flattery which is so often the main stuff of a magazine interview. We hope we do alright by our own interviews, in which our contributors chat with authors and creators in pursuit of greater insight into their aesthetic preferences, writing processes and influences, and so on.

Exemplary interviews in other venues

Vladimir Nabokov: "In these circumstances nobody should ask me to submit to an interview if by "interview" a chat between two normal human beings is implied. It has been tried at least twice in the old days, and once a recording machine was present, and when the tape was rerun and I had finished laughing, I knew that never in my life would I repeat that sort of performance. Nowadays I take every precaution to ensure a dignified beat of the mandarin's fan. The interviewer's questions have to be sent to me in writing, answered by me in writing, and reproduced verbatim. Such are the three absolute conditions."

See also...

Published by Pen and Anvil Press


ISSN 2150-6795
Clarion Magazine © 1998-present by BU BookLab and Pen & Anvil Press